Chapter 8

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I woke up in a comfortable bed. Last I remembered I was in the woods in wolf form and that's it.

I glanced under the covers only to realise I was in different clothing then I was last night. A faint smell attacked my nose which then I realized was Alpha Thaddeus's scent. A spooky thought came to mind just then.

What if Alpha Thaddeus changed me? I shook my head at the thought trying to fight the blush when some else caught my attention. I hadn't noticed this before but another scent lingered inside my room. A female?

A deep growl erupted as the thought upset my wolf and I. But then the truth suddenly dawned on me. He didn't want me. He didn't want a mate.

I was confused as how he wouldn't want a mate. Every werewolf always wants to find their mate. Luckily, some do and some don't. So Alpha Thaddeus should have been happy he was one of those lucky ones to find their mate.

I was about to get out of bed when I thought of how awkward it'd be if we both clashed into each other this early in the morning. I took a deep breath and listened for any sound inside the mansion.

I could hear movement in the kitchen which must have meant he was there. I exhaled in annoyance and leapt out of bed to go take a relaxing shower. I was in desperate need of one.

Once I was finished with my morning routine, I checked in the closets for clothing. Surprisingly, the clothes were all in my size which I didn't expect but none other the less, I pulled out a random purple shirt and black sweats.

I hesitated at the door of my bedroom. What would his reaction be when he sees me? I already know he wouldn't be caring or even affectionate like other mates are to each other. I awaited for the worse as I slowly walked down the halls which were like a maze. It took me a few moments to finally find the stairs but once I spotted the direction of the kitchen, I hesitated again.

I forced myself to move down the stairs. Once my feet were at the bottom, I tensed up. Whoever was in the kitchen was not who I expected to be. I approached the kitchen slowly only to see a small figure who's back was facing me.

"Good morning Luna," Ari said cheery as she turned around. "I wasn't sure what you wanted for breakfast so I sort of just made a bit of everything."

"Morning Ari," I replied slowly, "but please don't call me Luna."

She seemed confused for a second before nodding. "Anyways so breakfast is in the dining room."

I nodded. But before I left I had to get an answer. "Who changed me last night?"

She blushed deep red before answering. "I hope you don't mind, but I did. The Alpha came inside carrying you and said it'd be best if I changed you."

"Well," I didn't know what to say. I mean I was relieved he didn't change me but for some reason I was at a loss of words. "Thanks."

She nodded before going back to cleaning.

I followed the delicious aroma of food and found myself in a very large room. In the center of the room, was an oval shaped table with eight chairs around it. I let my eyes scan over the food on the table. One big plate full of pancakes sat on the middle of the table. Blueberry and strawberry syrup were on the sides. A lot of bacon strips were on another plate so were scrambled eggs. Chopped up fruit was on another plate. A big glass cup full of orange juice sat on the table too.

I looked back at Ari who seemed to be expecting something. "So um do you like it?"

I nodded at Ari. She exhaled deeply wiping her forehead as if she were sweating. "You sure do know how to make someone want to cry on the spot."

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