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-You- What?," you said sort of angrily.

-Jiung- Is it true that you like Keeho?," he smirked.

-You- I'm not answering that question," you crossed your arms.

-Jiung- Then, are you willing to take the dare?," he smirked.

-You- I'll take the dare," you sighed.

Jiung smirked grew on his face.

-Jiung- I dare you to kiss me," he smirked.

-You- WhAt?!," you yelled.

-Jiung- Kiss me Y/n or answer the question about Keeho," he smiled.

-You- Come here," you sighed.

He smiled and leaned in.

-You- I can't believe you right now," you sighed.

You grabbed his face and quickly pecked him.

You quickly pushed him away from you and immediately wiped your lips.

He laughed.

-You- Why did you make me do that?!," you whined.

-Jiung- You could've just answer the question," he laughed at you.

-You- I didn't want to," you whined.

-Jiung- Well, Do you?," he said curiously.

-You- NO!!!,: you hit his arm.

Jiung laughed and then pinched your cheeks.

-Jiung- Gwiyeowo," he laughed.

You moved his hands from your face.

-You- Why would you ask that question?!," you pouted.

-Jiung- I don't know, I wanted to stir things up," he smirked.

-You- YAH!!," you yelled.

You were fighting him on his bed.


You woke up at 7am for school. You got up and did your morning routine.

You got dressed and wore this:

You took a look in the mirror and you were satisfied with your outfit

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You took a look in the mirror and you were satisfied with your outfit.

Jiung texted you saying that he will pick you up.

You went downstairs to eat breakfast.

-You- Hey Mom," you smiled.

-Mom- Good Morning sweetie...Did you sleep well?," she smiled.

You smiled and nodded.

-Mom- Good, Here you go sweetie," she gave you the food.

-You- Thanks mom," you smiled.

You began to eat and your mom watched you.

-Mom- Y/n," she said.

-You- Yes?," you said still chewing.

-Mom- What's going on between you and Keeho?," she said crossing her arms.

-You- Nothing is going on..... What makes you say that?," you tilted your head.

-Mom- I've seen the way Keeho acts towards you and I really don't like that," she said firmly.

-You- Mom, Please don't do anything to him," you whined.

-Mom- WHAT?WHY?!," she yelled.

-You- Because he would think I'm a weak person," you pouted.

-Mom- Okay sweetie, But if he does something or say something mean to you, I will talk to him," she said firmly.

You sighed and nodded.


You are in the car with Jiung.

-You- Hey Ungie," you smiled.

-Jiung- Hey Y/n... Did you sleep well?," he looked at you.

You nodded.

-You- Did you?," you looked at him.

-Jiung- Not really," he sighed.

-You- What happened?," you said worried.

-Jiung- I was just thinking about me and Keeho's friendship and it kept me almost all night," he explained.

-You- Aww Jiung-ah," you frowned.

-Jiung- I just can't believe that our friendship is broken," he sighed.

All you could do was nod.

-You- I know it's hard, but you will be okay," you smiled.

He sighed and nodded.


You and Jiung made it safe to school.

You, Jiung, and Keeho had the same class.

You: Jiung-ah, did you do the homework?," you whispered to him.

-Jiung- Yeah," he whispered back passing you the paper.

-You- Thanks Ungie," you smiled and started to copy his answers.

Keeho's POV

OH SHIT!!! I DIDN'T KNOW WE HAD HOMEWORK!!, I really wanted to copy off of Jiung since he is a math genius. But I can't because it would be weird if I just come out and talk to him. What if he doesn't give me his paper?..... I should just ask, he might give me the paper, who knows, I would never know unless I try.

-Keeho- Jiung-ah?," I awkwardly whispered to him.

-Jiung- What?," he said coldly.

-Keeho- I didn't do the homework and was wondering if I could copy your answers," I whispered.

-You- NO!! I'M COPYING HIS WORK, GO COPY SOMEONE ELSE'S!!,"" you said angrily.


-Jiung- No, We're not friends anymore, so you can't copy," he said to me.

I sighed angrily and asked everybody for the work but they refused to let me copy.

The teacher walked in and I immediately sat in my seat.

This is weird because I always turn in my homework correctly and now I can't turn it in.

This is really frustrating.



We all greeted our teacher.

TEACHER: I will collect the homework now... I'll give you time to take it out," he said as he sets up his desk.

-Keeho- I'm just gonna guess on all the answers," I said as I started to quickly write.

My frustration elevated to the point that I started to scribble really hard and loud..

I felt Y/n and Jiung's eye on me and they looked confused. I didn't care to look up.

The teacher stood up and started to collect the homework. 


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