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Jiung took you to your favorite restaurant. You ordered your favorite dish which is their Chicken alfredo w/ garlic Italian bread. (not my stomach growling).....

-You- You really should have babe," you pouted.

-Jiung- No, this is your favorite restaurant and I wanted to treat my favorite girl," he smiled.

You didn't want to argue with him, you just wanted to just enjoy his presence.


You were eating and talking to each other about random things. You had to find a way to tell Jiung about the Vancouver trip with your Mom ex-husband. You have to tell Jiung that Keeho is going because, Jiung will find it out later. You just decided to tell the whole truth. 

-You- Jiung-ah," you said.

He hummed in response.

-You- I am going to Vancouver with my family....," you said.

-Jiung- Nice, I hope you have fun-," you cut him off.

-You- BUT," you added.

He just looked at you.

-You- Keeho...is coming with us," you looked down.

-Jiung- WHAT?!," he exclaimed.

-You- My dad insisted for Keeho to come, since Keeho grew up in Canada," you sighed.

-Jiung- Is Keeho really likeable to your family?," he said softly.

-You- Jiung-ah.....You know that my family loves you....You haven't even met my father, Keeho came over, because his mom had a meeting with my mom and they got caught up in the time," you explained.

-Jiung- If they love me, will they let me come on the trip?," he said softly.

You pulled your phone out to call your mom.


You got off the phone with your mom. Jiung looked at you curious about your mom's response.

-Jiung- WELL?," he smiled.

You pouted.

-Jiung- I can't come?," he pouted.

-You- She said yes," you laughed.

-Jiung- Yaah you had me there," he laughed.

-You- Yep, the trip is in 2 days," you told him.


|| TIME SKIPS: 2days later

Today is the Canada trip. You were excited that Jiung and Keeho were coming. You did not want to be alone and awkward with just your dad and brother. You were at work with Keeho and your dad rented a nice big vehicle for the 5 of you. 

-You- So...Jiung is coming with us," you told Keeho.

Keeho's POV

WHY DOES HE HAVE TO COME?! I am trying to win Y/n back but Jiung is just in my way. I think I have to talk to Y/n when she's alone.

-Keeho- Oh great," I fake smiled.

-Y/n- He should be here in about 10 minutes," she told him.

I pursed my lips and nodded.


Jiung arrived at the cafe. He greeted you and Keeho, he sat at the table with his luggage. You all were waiting for your dad.


Your Dad just pulled up. You all said our farewells to your mom and Keeho's mom.

You all put your bags in the back and got in the car. The three of you sat in the back while Intak was in the passenger side.

-Dad- Uh...Y/n who's your friend?," he asked

-Intak- Why is he coming with us?," he asked you.

-You- First of all....Jiung is my boyfriend and if he can't come then I won't come," You crossed your arms.

Keeho rolled his eyes and looked in the window.

-Dad- Nice to meet you Jiung, I'm Y/n's father," he greeted.

-Jiung- Nice to meet you sir," he smiled and bowed his head.

-Intak- Y/n has a boyfriend? That's very shocking," he laughed.

You gave him a death stare that made him gulped and look away from you.

-Dad- Okay guys, we decided to just drive up there since we couldn't afford plane tickets," he said.

-Intak- How long?," he asked.

-Dad- About 15 hours," he said.

-You-I AM NOT TRAVELLING FOR 15 HOURS!!!," you exclaimed.

-Dad- It's okay Y/n....I'll drive the whole ride," he said.

-Jiung- Sir, I can help drive," he said.

You looked at Jiung and shook your head no.

-Dad- Wow thanks Jiung...I'll drive for 10 hrs and you can drive the rest of the 5 hrs?," he asked.

He nodded.

You hit Jiung's arm.

-Jiung- What was that for?," he whispered.

-You- That means that he would have to sit back here," you whispered back.

Your dad looked at you and slightly frowned.

-Dad- Intak, switch seats with Jiung," he told him.

-Intak- HEY!!! WHY?!," he exclaimed.

-Dad- He is the other driver and because I said so," he said to him.

Intak sighed and switched seats with Jiung. Keeho smirked.


Keeho's POV

Y/n fell asleep and the roads were quite rocky and bumpy. I was relaxing and listening to music until I felt Y/n put my head on my shoulder and she wrapped her arms around my arm hugging it. I did not want remove her arms from me. This was truly a nice feeling and I did not want her to let go 



Sorry for any errors :(
Follow my ig: @p1hxrmony @resetjiung <3

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