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Intak's pov

-Intak- What was Keeho hyung talking about?," i asked Yeeun as we were still in the living room on the couch.

-Yeeun- I honestly don't know...he's just crazy," she sighed.

-Intak - yeah he's insane right?," I chuckled and she nodded.

- Intak- shall we head to bed?," he asked.

she nodded and we both went to my room.


Your pov

you and keeho woke up at the same time and looked around the room. that was the best sleep you've ever gotten since your boyfriend was right next to you again.

-You- Good morning," you said brightly placed your body on top of his causing him to groan.

-Keeho- hi," he greeted with his deep sexy raspy voice.

His sleepy state, messy hair and his raspy voice? That was your favorite part of spending mornings with keeho.

-You- i'm gonna make breakfast," you said getting up from the bed.


Since your mom left for work, you were making breakfast for the 4 of you I guess and Yeeun coming out of intak's room first.

-Yeeun- good morning y/n," she said rubbing her sleepy eyes.

Is it actually a good morning?," you thought.

-Y/n- morning," you fake smiled

- Yeeun- it smells great in here," she smiled.

-Y/n- thanks," you replied.

She sat at the table and you guys were silent after that until intak and keeho eventually came out.

-Intak- WOW Y/N? COOKING? THAT'S RARE TO SEE!," he gasped completely exaggerating.

- Y/n- I was in a good mood today chill," you rolled your eyes at him.

-Keeho- thanks ugly," he kissed the side of your head.

You were the last one to sit at the table with your place. the vibe was very silent and awkward but you decided to break it.

-You- so what are you all doing today?," you asked.

-Keeho- i'm gonna figure out a way to convince my mother to spare my life and plus i gotta get ready for the hockey game tomorrow," he sighed.

-You- Damn good luck with that...and have fun," I gave a half smile.

-Intak- I wanted to take Yeeun to a nice place today so tell mom we'll be out all day," he said.

I nodded and keeho rolled his eyes.

-Yeeun- w-what are you doing today y/n?," she stuttered a bit out of awkwardness.

- You- I have no clue...I'll probably just go shopping for some new clothes," I replied.

- Yeeun- fun," she gave a half smile.

I nodded.

Everyone left and I cleaned up the kitchen then went out to the mall.

You was in the jewelry department store and you spotted really cute tiny couple rings for me and keeho. You looked at the price and it was totally out of proportion. $500 all together?!

Well you decided to get them because you love that boy to death and they were also so $500 is nothing.

I think spotted a boy walking up to me with a smile.

-???-" hey cutie...what are you looking for here?," he smirked.

-You-" something that's not important to you," I rolled my eyes.

-???-" ahh I see your playing hard to get," he snickered.
-???- " I like that," he bit his lip and caress my cheek.

I slapped him hand away and he got furious.

-???-" WHAT THE HELL IS YOUR PROBLEM?!," he snapped.

" YECHAN LET'S GO!!," you heard someone say.

He gave me a death stare and walked away.

"That's Yechan?!," I yelled.


-KH Mom- I TOLD YOU TO COME RIGHT BACK!!," she yelled.

-Keeho- I know but we ended up having dinner late and I was not gonna go home when it's pitch black outside mom!," I said annoyingly.

-KH Mom- Wow I can't believe you would disobey me like that," she chuckled at the nonsense and shook her head in disappointment.

-Keeho- Mom I wasn't even serious her mom was watching us all night so please chill," I rolled my eyes in annoyance.

-Mom- Chill? DON'T USE THOSE WORDS TO ME! I'M NOT YOUR FRIEND!," she yelled literally slapping me.


We both heard the door open and it revealed Yechan.

-Yechan- MOM I'M HOME!," he yelled coming in.


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