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You guys were stuck in class with your flirty cousin Chani who currently is sitting behind your boyfriend Keeho and next to your bff Jiung. but sadly they fell asleep on you.


Chani threw a piece of balled up paper at you causing you to turn around.

You furiously turned around to face him.

He lowkey blew a kiss to you.

You rolled your eyes and faced the board.


You guys are at talking and Jiung was talking how he and Chani became friends.

Honestly, You didn't care how they met, the real question is why did they become friends? Chani is a rude person who is very sneaky and would always want things to go his way.

I want to tell Jiung about who the real Chani is, but He might not believe anything I say. I need to prove to him that Chani is a terrible person.


-Jade- So that's how you guys met," she smiled.

Jiung and Chani both nodded.

You rolled your eyes.

-Chani- Yep....We've been friends since middle school," he nodded.

Keeho sucked his teeth.

-Jiung- What's wrong Keeho?," he tilted his head.

-Keeho- But I knew you longer though," he looked away.

-Chani- It really doesn't matter who's friends longer, what really matters is the true meaning of friendship and who will be your friends until the end," he said to Keeho.


-Chani- Chill Bro, Why are you getting mad? I'm just telling the truth," he said to him.

-Jiung- Why are getting mad Keeho Hyung?," he said confused.

-You- Keeho, It's okay....We all know that you and Jiung are the best besties," you tried to calm him down.

-Jade- Chill Keeho," she said to him.

Keeho took a deep breath and exhaled.

-Keeho- I'm watching your every move," he squinted his eyes at Chani.

You rubbed Keeho's back to calm his nerves.

-Jiung- Keeho don't do that," he sighed.

-Keeho- No...I feel like he is very suspicious," he tilted his head.

-Chani- How?," He laughed in confusion.

-Keeho- I don't know dude, I'm feeling a unknown feeling from you and it's making me sick," he said disgusted.

-Jiung- KEEHO ENOUGH!!!!," he yelled.

-Chani- There's nothing wrong with me," he said slightly angry.

-Keeho- Every since I met you, I just felt a strange vibe coming from you," he said disgusted.

Keeho and Chani was going back and forth.

-Jiung- Y/N, YOURE NOT GONNA STOP THEM!!!," he raised his voice.

-You- Who am I to interfere with your relationship with them?," you said to him.

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