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Caius stood in front of Demetri, Veronica, Rodel, Darius, Lucinda and Maura in the Throne room, a bit agitated. Finding out that Victoria had her newborn army that was going after Bella, to get revenge on Edward for killing her mate which- to him- was danger directed at Allison. If Caius was in Edward's position, he would've already changed his mate and kill Victoria and the newborns. Plus, arranging a few guards to be sent out was taking away precious time away from his mate.

He put Demetri in charge of the group,his tracking skills are perfect for the job. Rodel can immobilize anyone, his ability always brought fear to the faces of the ones who broke the ' speed ability always seemed to be great when he and Demetri are paired up; Demetri will tell him where to go and Darius is on it. Maura can transfer anyone's ability to another. Lucinda and Veronica are amazing fighters.

"Check Bella's house, they would've gotten a piece of clothing with her scent on 's orders for the newborns would be to wait until she is vulnerable," Caius said.

Lucinda crossed her arms over her chest. "Not that I don't mind being sent out on a case but why help this Bella girl?"

"Believe me when I say I don't want to," Caius let out a sigh. "However, the situation Bella is in, puts Allison at risk. I would prefer if this... situation is handled before it makes its way over here." The guards nodded. Caius could easily spot the difference in the guards when they are with Allison than the other queens, minus Didyme. Didyme made everyone happy, it was her gift. The guards were relaxed around Allison, finding things they have in common with her or spending time with the guards were with Sulpicia and Athenadora, they were tense, only speaking to the two ex-queens when they were spoken to. "I would like to be updated on how it is going."

"Yes, sir," the guards said in union.

"You'll be leaving at midnight. Dismiss."

The guards were gone in a blurr, leaving the blonde king alone in the room. He let out a sigh, now he was in a foul mood and he didn't want to go back to his mate with it. He decided a walk around the castle would help.


Allison handed back Felix's phone after several failed attempts to get a hold of Seth. The major thing that was bugging her was when was he going to arrive in Volterra; when is he going to show up at the Volturi's door? Did he not have any concern that the Volturi could kill him on the spot because he is a wolf? She could tell Felix what Seth is but she didn't want him plus a few other members of the guard to be waiting for him at the airport to kill him.

Felix had taken her outside to the garden, he had figured that getting some fresh air may help her relax. It helped... sort of, but she still worried about the possible outcome. She remembered her dad telling her that vampires and wolves don't have a good relationships, some do but the majority no. Also, that after Caius was almost killed by one, he gathered a group of the guards and hunt them down. She didn't want Seth to be killed because he is a wolf.

"Are you alright?" Felix asked.

Allison looked at him, giving a shrug. "You ever felt frustrated and want to punch someone?"

"Sometimes,"Felix said. "I remember, it was 1658, and we had a human servant who was incredibly useless, she made too many mistakes. A woman in her late twenties, she was beautiful. She wasn't married or had any children, she only wanted to become immortal. Now, I did plan on draining her myself until one day, Demetri bet me to it. I, in today's terms, bitch slapped him."

Allison blinked before bursting out laughing. "You don't look like the type to bitch slap."

Felix shrugged, with a huge grin on his face. "It was the heat of the moment."

Allison laughed again, unaware they had company, until Felix said something in Italian that she miss. She looked in the direction that he was looking to see Caius standing there with a small grin of his own. "Have you ever bitch slap anyone, Caius?"

Caius smile grew. "Aro, about two thousand years ago." Allison chuckled. Caius looked at Felix. "I'll be with her for the rest of this evening, Felix."

Felix gave a nod to them both. "See you later." With that, he was gone.

Caius walked over to Allison until he was by her side. His arms wrapped around her waist, pulling her closer to him as he buried his nose in her hair, taking in her scent. Caius pulled back, he put his hand underneath her chin, making her look up at leaned down and captured her lips with his. Allison responded to the kiss. The kiss was very passionate, yet it was bruptly ended after Caius bit her lip.

Allison pulled back as she licked her lip, tasting blood. She looked up at Caius, who had a little bit of her blood on his lips, he happily licked it away. Caius had a smile on his face. "You taste good."

Allison rolled her eyes. "I'm not a snack."

"Of course not, amore." Caius smile fell.

"I'm the whole damn entrée."

Caius blinked before letting out a laugh. "And I'm starving for your love." Allison chuckled. Caius removed his arms from her waist. "I shall take you to your room for you to relax the rest of your day." He offered out his hand for her to take, which she did.

"After you said you bitch slapped Aro, I've been waiting to hear that story," she said as they started to walk through the garden to go back inside the castle.

"Well," Caius started, " it was a few thousand years ago when we were going to war with the Romanians..."


Bella wasn't one hundred percent comfortable going back to Volterra. She had only gone there in the first place to save Edward from getting himself killed by the Volturi. Hell, her and Alice almost died, the only one that could save herself was Allison. The kings didn't like that Edward had revealed himself to a human, but isn't that what the Cullen family did when they decided to adopt Allison? Obviously, the youngest Cullen is still alive since Alice had a vision of her... She mist be a vampire now.

She felt a sting of jealousy at that. Allison was going to end up a vampire, it didn't matter if she got turned by her family or the Volturi. However, Bella had to be persistent about turning into one. The first year she dated Edward, she didn't push the subject but now she has been doing it a lot. She wants to become a vampire, she wants immortality. She didn't find it fair that Allison was always going to end up as one and Bella was a question mark.

She was barely listening to the Cullens talk. She gets bits and pieces, but she was mostly focused on her own thoughts while they wait for their plane to show up at the airport. The only thing she got was that Seth would be arriving in Italy soon, probably making a direct b-line to Volterra. And that Carlisle had informed Allison that Seth was on his way to the vampire capital of the world. The rest of the conversation she just ignored. If Allison was able to convince the Volturi to not kill Seth then she would be able to convince the Volturi to not kill her and to either convince Edward or the Volturi to change her. Allison would do anything for family, and Bella was, technically, going to be her sister-in-law.

Bella smiled at the thought.

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