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Hours went by quickly when the two were catching up which, unfortunately, was interrupted by a howl. Seth straightened up, listening to the echoing howls before standing up. Allison stood up as well, paying a close attention to her best friend. "Something happened," Seth said. "I gotta take you home." He made his way over to the ladder.

"What happened?" She frowned, following him.

Seth climbed down the ladder first with Allison following. He remand silent for another minute or two before saying, "Bella." He looked at her. "I can't really hear much about it. I just know Jacob is taking Bella back to her place."

Seth had taken a few steps away from her so he could shift into his wolf form. For some reason, it always fascinated her every time she witnessed someone from the pack shift. The brownish-black large wolf lowered himself to the ground for her to get on his back. She did so without any hesitation, she had done it before. "I need to go see her." She patted his head to let him know that they were good to go.

Seth started to run in the direction back to civilization. He made a growl sound, obviously letting her know that he did not like that idea.

"I'll get Jacob to drive me home after," she said. She swore if Bella did something stupid, she was going to punch her.

Seth was the most protective one out of the two and his wolf side just make it worse, it was a bit more difficult for him to hold back his anger, his protectiveness when there is any sort of danger. When James came into the area to hunt down Bella and her family was helping out with the situation, she stayed behind with Seth who never left her side. But Bella is another friend of hers, and soon to be sister-in-law, so whatever stupid thing she was doing now was going to be addressed.

Seth and Allison finally made it to Bella's residence. She slid off the wolf's back when she spotted the black Mercedes S55 AMG... her father's car. She didn't know that her father was coming down, he didn't say anything to her about it. Maybe they were giving the good news, saying that Edward was coming home again.

"My dad's back," she said. She scratched Seth behind the ear, as a position of thanks for giving her a lift to Bella's. "I'll see you later."

Seth made a wince noise before taking off back into the woods. Allison watched him go before making her way to her friend's house. Edward had to be back by now, her parents must have finally got a hold of him and convince him that staying away from Bella was not the right way to go. She went up to the front door, turning the knob to find that it was unlock. She could hear Jacob, Bella and... Alice?

"Well, I'm not going to hurt her,"Alice said to Jacob, staring at the wolf.

"What's going on?" Allison asked, making the older teens to look at her.

Alice glared at Bella. "I'll let you two talk." She rushed over to grab Allison's arm, taking them both outside to wait for Bella to discuss whatever to Jacob. As soon as they were outside, Alice pulled Allison into a hug. "I missed you."

Allison chuckled. "It's been a day." She pulled back. "Is the others with you? What's going on?"

Alice sighed. "It's just me. I had a vision of Bella jumping off a cliff and didn't see her get pulled out." Allison looked at her with wide eyes.

Alice explained that they all had went to their home that they had in Vancouver, Edward was being stubborn as usual and it was only her that came back home after she had the vision. Alice stared at the car, listening to the conversation that Bella and Jacob were having... well, was trying to.

Jasper had told the others that Alice had left to go back to Forks because she had a vision that Bella had jumped off a cliff. Of course, that got everyone going. Carlisle and Esme grew concern, they had asked if Alice had seen the youngest Cullen in her vision. Emmett was about to go hunt down Edward and Rosalie felt bad for her brother.

Though, if it was a possibility that Bella was dead, it would be something to drive Edward to come home. Edward had called, giving in his check in and letting everyone know that he was fine. It changed when Rosalie told him that Alice had went to Forks after seeing a vision that Bella had died.

Alice frowned before a slight fear had washed over her face. She just saw that Rosalie had told Edward that Bella was dead then she saw that he was going to the Volturi. She heard Bella yell at Jacob from inside the house, she tossed the keys to Allison and told her to go wait in the car. She quickly ran inside. "Bella! It's Edward," she immediately caught the attention of the Swan girl. "He thinks you're dead."

"What?" She asked with worry.

Alice grabbed a hold of her hand. "He's going to the Volturi. He wants to die too."

She watched as Bella started to have a panic attack. She grabbed her cellphone which was on the counter, texting Billy that she won't be home. Alice left the house first, joining her sister in the car, watching Bella trying to shrug Jacob off.

"Bella, he left you!" Jacob exclaimed, not understanding why she was leaving for a guy who left her in the middle of the woods.

Bella joined the two Cullen girls in the car. "I have to go. I'm not letting him kill himself for a misunderstanding."

With one look from Bella, Alice started to pull away.

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