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Bella had been up in Sulpicia's room of brick mansion, well, it was actually an old huge factory that the Romanians had renovated to make it look like a mansion. She was by the window, watching the vampires carry Seth and Allison inside. She wasn't sure if the Romanians keeping them alive was a good or bad thing.

"Don't worry about those two," Sulpicia said. Bella turned to look at the vampire who was standing behind her. "We'll be having fun with them very soon."

Bella wanted to ask what she meant but she got the picture. She did feel bad for Seth being brought into all this, he was the innocent one.

"Now, we should go ahead with your transformation," Sulpicia said. "In three days, you will wake up to be immortal."

"Would it hurt?" Bella asked.

Sulpicia smiled. "Everything in life hurts."

Bella extended her arm out to Sulpicia, she closed her eyes, flinching when she felt Sulpicia biting her. Within seconds, she could feel the venom burn in her veins.

_____________________SHADOW ROSE__________________

With a thud, Allison and Seth landed on cold, hard cement floors in the dungeon of whatever the hell the place was. The metal door closed, sealing them in the almost complete darkness, there was only a small lantern in the middle of the room. Allison laid on the ground, while Seth picked himself up. Allison closed her eyes, the thought of the Romanians making her mates, her family, run across the world in circles to find them was getting to her.

"At least, they were kind and left us a light," Seth said sarcastically. He was glaring at the metal door. "Fucking assholes did something to me, I can't turn into a wolf. You can't fucking use your powers to get us the hell out! We ar-" Seth whirled around to face his sister, only to stop his words full of anger when he say tears running down Allison's cheek. Wincing at the thought that he made her cry, he went over to her, he knelt down beside her. "Alley, I'm sorry. I just hate feeling useless."

Allison sat up, doing her best to keep back her tears. "It's my fault we're here. That you're here."

Seth let out a sigh. "It ain't you're fault. You're not the one that I'm focusing my anger on, nor are you the one to blame for the situation we're in."

Allison wanted to believe Seth, but at the moment, she couldn't. She felt like everything was all on her, she believed everything was all on her. She couldn't let Seth meet the same faith that she was facing, it wasn't fair to him. She looked at him, she could see the anger and the worry painted across his face; if she could get him out of here, she would.

It was like Seth knew exactly what she was thinking when he said, "I'm not going to leave you. We'll get out together."

Seth pulled her closer to him, as he managed to get them to sit on the furthest wall from the door. He held her protectively, as if she might be taken away in front of him. Allison rested her head on Seth's shoulder, hoping that this will all be over soon.

_____________SHADOW ROSE__________________________________

"Why would anyone want to side with the Romanians?" Heidi had asked, as her, Felix, Giovanni and Chelsea were in the car behind Marcus, Aro, Rosalie, Emmett and Jane. The others had decided to head to Rome by foot, just in case, they come across something that was only through the woods of Italy.

Felix was the one who was driving, he was paying attention to the conversation and to the road. He didn't need to pay attention like humans do, but it help distract him a bit. His soul-sibling were in danger, he was blaming himself. He did blame himself for not being with them during the attack, he just hope it wasn't too late.

"Same old, same old," Giovanni said, his tone sounded like he didn't care but everyone who knew him knows that Giovanni was the type to hold his anger in. He was angry of what had happened to his home, to Allison and Seth. He doesn't know Seth a great deal but Allison he does, and Giovanni enjoyed her company. The entire guards were happy for the kings to finally have their true mate, they were happy that Felix had soul-siblings; they all liked Allison.

"Who exactly is this Justin White fellow anyways?" Chelsea asked. "I'm not sure if I met him or not."

Heidi pulled a file out of her bag, Felix didn't even notice she brought a bag with her. She opened the file; it may not seem like it but the Volturi did keep track of every vampire that was alive. Some do go under the radar- like the Romanians- but every information that the Volturi knows was in every file. "Justin Michael White born in London, England on June tenth, fifteen-thirty three. He doesn't know who bit him but he was turned when he was twenty-seven. He joined the Brit coven four years after his transformation."

"Not really much detail," Giovanni grumbled.

"He believes in what the Romanians do," Heidi said, she had brought other files with her and she was planning to go through all of them on the ride to Rome.

The car fell into silence. If Felix was human, his knuckles would be turning white as he tightly gripped the steering wheel.

"You're too silent Felix," Giovanni broke the silence.

"I'm just thinking," Felix answered lowly. He fell silent again, his mind was going a hundred miles per second, thinking about 'what if' and 'if I was'. They told him he was not to blame for the taking of his soul-siblings, that no one could've known that the castle was going to be under attack. He was trying not to put that blame on himself but he couldn't help it. He had taken Allison and Seth to the cafeteria so they could eat, while he headed to the dungeon to drink blood from a human that had stumbled in the castle then he was going to go back to them. Felix let out an exhale; he was a warrior in his human life and in his immortal life. The one major thing that he had carried from his human warrior life to the immortal side was that, he will never stop until the enemy is dead.

Felix vowed that he will kill the Romanians horribly.

A/N: I was gonna post this up yesterday but I fell asleep so this and chapter 24 will be up today :D Also I love reading all of the reviews ya'll leave

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