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The plane finally landed. Carlisle had booked himself and Esme a ticket to Italy so they can see their daughter, try to understand the true reason why the Volturi has her. They left Emmett and Rosalie in charge, usually it would be Edward but he was grounded. Seth had called him earlier asking if Allison had returned home since he heard from Jacob that Edward was back. He told Seth that she had volunteered to take Bella's place, her reason why she did that he didn't have He promised he would call Seth back once he finds out what will happen.

Carlisle and Esme grabbed their bags, quickly hurrying through the airport. Once they were outside, they walked at a human pace until they were a good distance away to use their vampire speed. They ran for a while until they reached the outskirts of Volterra. It had been a while since Carlisle actually set foot in Volterra; the first time was after he was changed, he had heard about a coven of vampires that ruled the vampire world, the second time was when Edward had completed the change and he took Edward and Esme to meet them. Over the years, he had sent word to Aro saying he added another one to his coven.

They walked to the town, it was late so the majority of the townspeople was already in bed. At least, they wouldn't have to deal with the human population at the moment. They went straight to the castle where they met a guard that Carlisle knew from when he first came to Volterra.

The guard had golden brown hair that was half way down to his shoulders, he was slim built and one of the fastest vampires ever. Darius, was the vampires name, he was about six-hundred years old. Darius tilted his head as he seen them. "Carlisle," the guard offered a smile. "This is a surprise."

"Darius," he greeted back. "This is my wife, Esme. I don't believe the two of you have met." Darius bowed to Esme. "Aro is expecting us."

Darius nodded. "Very well," he said. "Follow me." He lead them to the side entrance that the guards usually used to take out the dead bodies from their feeding. They went up two flight of stairs before they came across the door that was for the main floor. As they walked through the halls, Carlisle noticed it was a bit too quiet for a castle full of vampires, there should be some activity. Darius led them to the Throne room, opening the doors without any effort, revealing the three kings speaking among themselves. "Masters, Carlisle and Esme has arrived."

The three kings turned their attention to them. Aro jumped up with a smile. "Carlisle, il mio vecchio amico." He looked at Darius. "Thank you for bringing them to us, Darius." The guard nodded before leaving. Aro made his way to the two Cullens. Carlisle dropped his bag, knowing Aro was going to give him a hug. "It's been a while." Aro hugged him.

"It's been too long." Carlisle hugged him back.

Aro pulled back before giving a hug to Esme. "Esme, you look lovely as ever."

Esme smiled. "Thank you, Aro."

"Caius, Marcus," Carlisle greet the other two kings. "How are the two of you?"

Marcus gave the younger vampire a smile. "We are well."

Carlisle gave a nod. He looked at each of the kings, unsure if he should ask the question that he and Esme wanted answers for. The kings never lie unles it was for one's safety, they usually manipulate to get answers but that was about it. "I want to apologize about Edward causing a scene," he said.

"That's all forgiven, old friend," Aro said, dismissing it with a wave of his hand. He turned around making his way back to his throne. "In all honesty, it has been rewarding at the end."

Carlisle raised an eyebrow, Esme remained silent. "Aro, I- well, Esme and I want to discuss Allison. Alice and Edward told me she used her abilities against Felix, we're just worried if she would become a guard." He didn't need to explain, he knew that Aro would have already seen it when they hugged, but he did so for the other two. "We talked about her transformation date, she wants to be changed when she's twenty."

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