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To say that Allison would be jumping in joy when Bella heads back to the United States was an understatement of the year. Over the last four days, Bella irratated Allison to the point where she would throw the Swan girl to the guards and tell them to enjoy their snack. Would she actually do that? Probably not, but she had thought about it. Bella had been trying to get her to speak to the kings about their ruling and Allison would tell her the same thing she had for the last multiple times. Allison couldn't fight her mates on their sentencing, she was not a vampire yet plus she still need to be walked through of all of their laws. Bella didn't like that, Allison honestly doesn't care. As always, Allison would tell her that Edward had discussed her transformation and everything that she has to leave behind before all this, including the fact that once you know a vampire, well, you gotta be turned or be killed.

A few nights ago, when they had their first heated discussion about this, Allison had spent the night with her mates. Marcus had ran her a bath, Aro and Caius gave her a massage afterwards, they made the atmosphere relaxing. She knew that night when she slept in Marcus' room, her mates stayed with her, and Aro had told them about the conversation that Bella and Allison had. Now, she didn't get to see their reaction but when she woke up in the morning, she was alone in the room. She wasn't completely alone because Felix was standing outside the door; he had told her that the kings went to go discuss something with Edward. Allison had nodded, she wasn't going to tell Felix about it at the moment.

Anyways, skip to the present, Allison was with her soul-brothers in the garden. It was a cloudy day, so many of the Volturi guards took the opportunity to go out on the town. Her siblings probably did the same thing or they went out hunting with mom and dad. Aro, Caius and Marcus were finishing up some paper work so they could have the evening with their mate.

"Don't let it bother you," Seth said, making her snap out of her thoughts and Felix to look at them both. "I stand by what I said the other day; don't let it bother you."

Felix gave them a questioning look. "Don't let what bother you?" His red eyes moved from Seth to Allison. "What is it?"

Allison had to smirk a bit at Felix's overprotective big brother tone. "It's nothing."

Seth scoffed. "Bella has been pestering her to speak to the kings for them to change their ruling."

Allison scowled at him, Seth just gave her a smile. Felix facial expression changed into something Allison couldn't read. "They made their decision. If the Swan girl is challenging to become a vampire, which I believed that was what she wanted, so will be killed." He paused for a moment before adding, "Why didn't you tell me?"

Allison felt a ping of guilt at his words. "Sorry." She looked at her brothers. "Aro seen it when he hugged me so I'm guessing he had a conversation with Edward about this, but it's nothing to worry about. I can handle Bella."

Felix gave a nod. "If anything or anyone bothers you, bothers Seth, you need to tell me."

Allison and Seth gave a nod. Seth and Felix went on to having a conversation about God-knows what as they continued on their walk in the garden. Allison remained close to them, looking around and getting lost again in her thoughts. For the past few years that Bella has been in her and her family's life, there was nothing but ttrouble. One would expect the trouble follow the girl who has lived with vampires her entire life but that wasn't the case. There was only so much that Allison could do about Bella right now and it was running out. Maybe one more talk about this with a Volturi guard or one of her mates with her would help get everything through Bella's head.

It would be a miracle right now, Allison thought to herself as she continued to follow her brothers.

_________SHADOW ROSE_______________________

Edward was out hunting with Carlisle and Esme; the others had went out to shop, Alice tried to make her go but Bella said she was going to spend some time with Allison. That was a lie, Bella just wanted to stay in the castle, not because she actually liked the building but she wasn't in the mood to deal with people or vampires.

She had been trying so hard to get Allison to see things her way but it kept on failing. Allison was the kings mate, she should be able to speak to the kings about Bella's transformation, make them agree that it should be on Bella's terms but... Allison kept coming up with the same excuse. Since she wasn't a vampire nor knew a whole lot about the laws, she had no say.

To Bella, that was completely bullshit.

Bella was in the room that she was sharing with Edward, on the bed with a book, she was completely contempt until she saw a dark shadow move at the window. At first, she thought it was a bird but when she saw it the second time, she decided to investigate. The bed room was located on the second floor, that faced the forest, so it had to be something that was capable of flying or climbing that high. She looked out the window, only to be startled when she saw two female vampires with the Volturi pendant around their necks. They were the two that she saw at the airport. Bella took three steps back when one of them opened the window to climb in.

"I seen you two before," Bella stammered out, hoping that the two beautiful vampires wouldn't kill her.

The one with the dark brown hair smiled at her. "I'm Sulpicia, the mate of Aro. And this-" she pointed at the strawberry blonde vampire. "is Athenadora, the mate of Caius."

Mate? Bella thought to herself. Isn't Allison their mate?

"It's not her Sulpicia," Athenadora said. Bella looked at her confused. "I do recognize her scent from being here before but it's not the one that's taking our mates' attention."

Bella realized that they were looking for Allison.

Sulpicia looked at Athenadora then to Bella, a smile full of teeth, "Maybe you can help us, young one." She moved towards Bella. "You see, our mates had kicked us out of our home when they found this certain human mate of theirs. Allowed her to call this place her home."

Bella bit her lip. "That seems awful," she said. She was trying to calm down her heart, she doesn't know the two vampires in front of her and she wasn't sure what they were going to do to her either.

Sulpicia chuckled. "It is."

Athenadora tilted her head. "Why are you here?"

I'm not the one you're looking for, Bella thought to herself, she wanted to say that too. However, she did answer, "I'm with the Cullens. I was here before to save Edward, and I'm here now because someone made a newborn army to come after us."

The two vampires slowly nod, their faces were hard to read. "Of course, the law does claim that any human that knows about vampires must be killed or turned. What was your sentencing, my dear?" Sulpicia asked.

"I must be turned by the end of this year."

"Are you ready to accept immortality?"

"I am, but-"

"But what?"

Bella hesitated. "I-I want it to go through my terms. Not by someone else."

Sulpicia's smile grew. "The scent of the human mate is here, it is strong. I have an... opportunity for you, my dear. Bring the human mate to the garden at five and we can help you with your problem."

Bella looked at the clock, five P.M was in two hours. If she... was she really thinking about betraying someone she did consider as a friend? Betray the Cullens? In reality, she didn't know if Sulpicia and Athenadora would kill her in the end but... these two vampires were her ticket to get what she wants. Immortality with her human life with her; she wouldn't have to say goodbye.


A/N: I know it's short, the next chapter would probably be short too but damn Bells.

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