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Alice sat across from Edward and Bella, watching them comfort each other after a complete misunderstanding, as the three of them were waiting worriedly to see Allison again. Alice couldn't see her future and Edward couldn't hear her which made them worry even more. The two vampires had heard several footsteps heading their way, causing them to look at the door before it even opened. As soon as the door opened, which finally had Bella's attention, the three kings including Demetri entered. Demetri stood by the door as the kings took a few steps into the room.

"Where's Allison?" Alice asked, immediately.

Aro gave a little smile. "She's fine," he said. He ignored the look that Edward was giving him. Alice didn't understand what Edward was picking up from their mind, she couldn't read Edward's expression very well at the moment. "From what I seen in your minds, Carlisle and Esme are protective of he-"

"We're all protective of her," Edward interrupted.

Caius and Marcus glared at the Cullen boy, Aro just dismissed what Edward had just said as if it meant nothing. "Tell, my dear old friend, that she is safe." Caius and Marcus glared at the Cullen boy, Aro just dismissed what Edward had just said as if it meant nothing. "Tell, my dear old friend, that she is safe. Demetri will lead you out and we will give your goodbyes to her." The kings turned and walked out.

Alice, Edward and Bella gotten up on their feet. The three of them were silent as they followed Demetri through the halls of the Volturi castle, ignoring any of the human staff that was still working and any of the vampire guards. The smell of human blood was still present, though it was fading. Demetri had taken them to the entrance from earlier, he stood quite a distance away, watching them go towards the door.

"We can't leave her," Bella said, hugging onto Edward's arm.

For a moment, Alice and Edward didn't say anything. Heck, they didn't say anything at all as they walked out the door and away from the castle. They couldn't fight the Volturi and win, they couldn't do anything stupid that could cost their family their lives... when the kings come to a final decision and announce it, that was usually it. Edward picked up Bella, carrying her bridal style as Alice took them to where she parked the car at. One thing for certain, Carlisle and Esme was going to be pissed at them.


Seth: So... can you tell me what's going on?

Allison: Nope.

Seth: Why?

Allison stared at Seth's message. Why couldn't she tell him? Well, she was now stuck with the Volturi, she knew Seth would make his way to Italy and demand that they release her. The decision of one human going back home and one is to stay with the Volturi wasn't very much fair – it wasn't at all. She wasn't sure what the Volturi was expecting her to do with her life back in the States, she couldn't just forget about it easily.

She heard her stomach growl. She put her phone back into her pocket, got up to her feet, opening her room's door. It felt like she hadn't eaten in a while and she was sure that the castle had a kitchen, unless they allowed their staff to go out to grab some food. She looked up and down the hall, it was dark and empty, she made her way down the hall, hoping that she wouldn't run into any vampire that was bloodthirsty. She walked down the lengthy hallway when she noticed the Felix vampire from earlier with another vampire that she had seen in the Throne room.

Obviously, she had caught their attention, as they were starting to head her way. "It's not safe for a human to be walking about alone this way in the castle," the younger vampire said, he looked to be in his teens. Probably around the same age or maybe a year younger than Allison.

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