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Allison was glad to finally be off of the plane, she wanted to get some food, she couldn't wait to go home put on her pajamas and binge watch some Supernatural. As soon as she seen Sam waiting for her, she tackled him with a hug. He helped her put her suitcase in the car; in the car, he told her everything that had been going on. The red headed vampire, Victoria had been in the area, but she managed to get away from the wolves, and Laurent, the black vampire, had been killed by the pack. According to Sam, Laurent was in the area first, checking to see if Bella was still alive for Victoria so she could kill her like Edward did to James. Thankfully, the wolves were there at the perfect time. Seth has been pulling pranks, like usual.

"Seth made Jacob's hair go pink?" Allison laughed.

Sam smiled. "It took a week for his hair to go back to normal."

She was going to bother Seth later to get the backstory of doing that prank. She pulled out her phone to see that she had a text message from Alice.

Alice: I seen that you landed safely

Allison: Yeah. I'm good. I'll call once I'm home. She texted her sister back then shoved her phone back into her purse.

Deep down, she had a feeling that she should have called her mom to let her personally know that she was safe and on her way home. Alice's visions do change based on the decision someone had made, however, with Allison it was tricky. She could shield herslef off from Alice's visions and Edward's mind reading power, the family didn;t mind not knowing what was going on in her head but when it came to not knowing her future, it scared them. Alice probably seen her getting off the plane safely, plus wolves tend to block her visions too.

During the entire drive, Allison and Sam talked about almost everything. Of course, as an Alpha, he wanted to know what was going on with Edward and the other Cullen family members. Sam also mentioned how Bella was. She had gone into a depression mode after the family had left, she eventually came around and hung out with Jacob until he went through his phase when he tried to cut their friendship off for a bit. Though, they are still friends and hanging out... according to Sam, Jacob has been trying to get Bella to date him for the last little bit.

After a couple of hours, they finally pulled into the Cullen's residence. Allison thanked Sam before grabbing her things quickly. She walked to the front door, pulling the keys out from her purse, she was mentally jumping in joy to finally be home. She was actually more excited to be home by herself for the very first time. She waved to Sam as he started to drive away, closing the door behind her and locking it. She took her bags to her room, she unzipped her suitcase to dig out her laptop and took her phone out from her purse. She sat on her bed turning on the laptop to check her emails, while dialling her dad.

Carlisle answered after the first ring. "Hello, hun. Are you home?"

"Yeah," she answered. "I just wanted to call to let you know before I end up forgetting." She paused for a bit. Sam did tell her that Laurent and Victoria had been in the area, though one is already dead and the red headed was still a threat. "Dad, Sam told me that Laurent and Victoria had been in the area."

There was a minute of pause from her dad. Actually, it seemed like five minutes before she heard him talking to someone on his end. It sounded like Alice that was answering him back or her mom.

"I'm buying you a plane ticket back," he grumbled out to her finally.

Allison bit her lip. "Laurent is dead, the pack killed him."

"What about Victoria?"

"She's still alive," she replied. "Sam said they haven't picked up her presence in a while. Also, dad, I'll be fine. If I feel like I'm in danger, I'll stay wih the pack."

Carlisle went silent again, rethinking everything. It wouldn't surprise her if mom tried to reason with her dad for one of them to go be with her or bring her back to Alaska. "Very well," he finally said. "The terms for you checking in remains the same. Always keep your guard up."

"I will. Love you."

"Love you, too."

She hung up and put the phone down on her nightstand. Her room wasn't big like the others, her other relatives and her parents had bigger rooms since they collected more than she did. She went downstairs right quick to grab an apple, she walked back to her room, not minding the total darkness of the house. She closed her bedroom door, sat on her bed, checked her email right quick before putting on Netflix.

Carlisle didn't like hearing that Laurent and Victoria had been in the area since they were away. He knew Victoria would want to go after Bella since Edward was her mate, Laurent was probably passing through. He was debating, and still is, whether or not he should buy a ticket to bring Allison back here, at least here, he can keep an eye on her. Of course, over the years, he and the rest of the family taught her about the vampire world and how to kill one, she has the knowledge but she doesn't have the strength that is required for it. Esme wanted to go be with her, but she was the best bet to convince Edward to come home. Alice mentioned she didn't see Victoria nor Laurent in any of her visions, she figured the pack was going after the two.

He was thankful for the pack agreeing to watch over her until the family situation was resolved.

"Anything on Edward?" he asked Alice.

She shook her head. "He's still in Brazil. Nothing has changed so far."

Carlisle gave a slow nod. He loves all his children deeply, he wanted them to be happy in their immortal or mortal lives, he wanted them to always be safe and to think smart instead of rushing into dire situations. However, they were all teenagers. It didn't matter if they were more or immortal, they did make stupid choices. He knew Edward was upset about what had happened at Bella's birthday party and he blamed himself for putting her in danger's way but at the moment, Carlisle thought Edward was being a tad overdramatic. All he had to do was call Bella and talk to her if he wasn't going to see her in person, he had to come back home to be with his family again. He was going to give Edward a little bit more time before he was going to head to Brazil and drag the young vampire back.

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