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"So," she sarted as she moved away from the three kings, swallowing down the fact that she did hug them and it felt nice, "I do have a couple of questions that is if it is alright."

"Of course," Aro said, offering her an assuring smile. "Don't be afraid to ask us for anything."

Allison nodded."How did vampirism started, anyways?" Her dad had told her that the three Volturi kings were on the very top of the list of the most ancient vampires to ever exist. She was curious about how it all started, was there someone older than the kings that started it all?

Caius and Marcus stared at her, they weren't expecting that to be her first question. Aro blinked before saying, "An illness. The time when I was human, there was an illness going around, which I had caught." Allison listened to what he was saying carefully. "People died, but when I died, I came back. I am five thousand-four hundred- thirty two years old, I grew up poor along with my sister with an abusive father who wanted me to become a warrior. Becoming a warrior was not for me, but for his benefit, I did several years before I got myself involved with politics. I turned my sister, Didyme, I got married to Sulpicia, we started the Volturi."

Allison was about to say something when Marcus beat her to it. "I'm five thousand- four hundred-twenty eight years old. I was a Priest here, before I came a vampire, I believed that anything Holy can drive out vampires. One night, I gathered with the townsmen, hunting down any vampires in the area when one attacked me, leaving me for dead. Aro had found me and turned me. I joined with him, Sulpicia and Didyme... I eventually married Didyme." He paused. He looked absolutely heartbroken, Allison wanted to go to him to offer comfort. Didyme was killed, she remembered her dad explaining to her why Marcus looked so sad in the painting he had in his office.

"I'm five thousand- three hundred- fitfty years old," Caius started. "I was a bastard of a child, my mother ended giving me up. Through my years, I had grown up with warriors, I learned to be cold and brutal. Making people fear me was the only way I knew how to push forward. I was in battle when I got fatally injured, Marcus had found me, turned me. I joined them, later on, I found Athenodora and married her."

The three kings were silent, Allison was amazed of how one question ended up turning into them giving some information about themselves. "Carlisle and Esme found me when I was a baby," she said, it wouldn't be fair if she didn't tell anything about her to them. "A vampire killed my family, I was the only one left alive. I have a picture of my actual birth family, I've been thinking about digging up information on them so I would have a sense. I haven't dated nor ever got married," she chuckled at that to lighten the mood. The kings had caught on, smiling a little. Allison smiled. "I appreciate you three telling me some information about yourselves."

The kings smiles grew. Seeing them smile literally made her heart stop beating. She felt the realization wash over her. She was in fucking love with them, and they were... Alice and Rosalie had told her about what it was like to find a mate, how one would feel until they accept it. She wanted to be around them even if she thought of so many ways to escape and feel guilty after that; when she hugged them, the physical contact felt amazing, she felt safe around them, she felt a pull towards them.

"Are we mates?" she blurted out, surprising the kings.

One simply, little word came that changed everything.



Felix had left the Throne room when Carlisle and Esme walked out. He didn't go too far, in case he was called back, it didn't matter where he went in the castle, he would have heard them calling for him regardless. He went to the watch the human staff, mostly the secretaries, they have been lacking lately. They were too busy gossiping about the kings' mate, he was noting the ones that were saying anything negative about her. Valentina, was one of them, if he could he would have taken her out before she even knew what happened but he will wait for the kings' order once they find out. At least, Gianna was positive; Bianca wasn't saying much.

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