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"She kicked us out,"Caius grumbled, as he paced back and forth in the library. Aro was sitting in a chair across from Marcus, tapping his foot agitated.

At the moment, Marcus was the only calm one. He saw the bond between his mate and the young wolf, there was a soul-sibling bond that also included Felix. "She had a right to."

Caius growled. Marcus understood his brothers uneasiness with leaving their mate with a wolf, and how Caius had a great disdain towards one since he was almost killed by one many,many years ago. If Marcus didn't have his ability, he would've acted just like his brothers did at the sight of their mate being too close to a wolf, he wouldn't have gotten violent with Seth like Aro and Caius would have instead he would go to his mate and make sure she was alright.

Marcus sighed. "If the both of you don't calm down, we won't be able to go back to our mate." Caius stopped his pacing, Aro looked at Marcus. "Look, having Seth here doesn't bother me much minus his scent. I saw their bond, Seth is a protective older brother to her just like Felix is. If there is any concern about having Seth here, we will discuss it with Allison, not decide on what to do ourselves."

Caius and Aro stared at him, they knew he was right about this. Obviously those two won't admit it, Aro won't let his pride be knocked down a notch and Caius... well, he's Caius.

"Very well," Aro sighed out.

Caius bit his lip. "Fine," he growled. "But one small move, and I will not hesitate." Caius left his brothers in the library.

Marcus and Aro looked at each other. Aro got up out of his chair. "Well, I am going to see our mate."


Allison didn't know where Felix had taken off to. She had actually hoped that he would stay with her and Seth for a bit. Regardless, that didn't stop her from catching up with Seth, telling him all about her mates and the Volturi members and also listening to Seth when he spoke of everything that had been going on back home.

"I'm surprised that you didn't chew out Edward," Allison said.

"I was angry at him, Bella and Alice," Seth admitted. "I just felt that they were too busy focusing their attention on her when you were here with the Volturi. You could've been killed and they would still be focused on Bella's stupid danger magnet."

Allison opened her mouth to reply when a male voice cut her off. "Your concern for our mate is deeply appreciated." Allison and Seth looked towards the door to see Aro and Marcus. "For you to travel here knowing the risk you would put yourself in to make sure she was still alive, speaks a lot about your character," Marcus said.

Seth stared at them, giving a small nod. "I needed to make sure."

"That is understandable," Aro said.

Marcus nodded. "We heard the last bit of your conversation, I can assure you that Edward is hooked on Bella because of her scent." Allison and Seth raised an eyebrow at that, confused by that statement. "Bella is Edward's bloodsinger, meaning her scent is addicting and Edward craves her blood, though he has it confused with the idea of a mate. A vampire doesn't crave blood of their mate."

"Uh.. w-wha... If Bella isn't his mate then why haven't you said something before?" Allison asked after trying to figure out what to say about that. "You noticed it when we met, right?"

Marcus nodded.

"If Bella is to be a vampire, what would happen?" Seth asked.

"Her and Edward would go their separate ways," that was Caius' voice. Caius was standing in the doorway. "Bloodsingers don't stay together in the vampire world. However, I do believe how Bella- as Seth would put it- clings to Edward, she has her fantasy of being Edward's mate."

"Hmm. The vampire world seems so complex," Seth said to Allison. He looked at the kings. "Wolves imprint. The moment we meet our other half, it's an automatic imprint."

Allison thought about how this news would go for Edward. Maybe he would believe it, maybe he won't but he did deserve knowing the truth. Though, that meant Edward would be the only one in the Cullen family that doesn't have a mate. Later on when she sees her parents, she would ask them if they knew about this, there was a high chance that they probably do.

"Speaking about your siblings, amore, they will arrive in ten minutes," Caius announced.

Allison and Seth got off the bed, she could mentally hear Seth's question to her: Your siblings were to come here? She gave a quick nod, following her mates to the Throne room. Only her parents were waiting in the Throne room, the guards were off somewhere at the moment. As usual, the kings went to go sit on their thrones. Allison went to go stand by her parents with Seth.

After about seven minutes, the doors opened, revealing Felix and Stella leading the rest of the Cullens and Bella inside the room. Allison planned on having a private discussion with Felix of why he left so sudden earlier, she honestly thought he would have a different reaction about finding out that he was also a soul-brother to Seth. Her eyes drifted to Alice first, she offered a smile to her sister, knowing that she put a lot of the blame onto herself.

Allie? Allison locked eyes with Edward. You're okay?

I'm fine, Edward.

"Cullens, I hope your travel to Volterra was good," Aro started.

Emmett answered, Allison ignored it. Allison, I owe you a lot and it feels like an apology won't cover it. Allison watched Edward's eyes look away.

Get me a '67 Impala and we'll be good. Allison smiled. Her smile fell when she looked at Bella, clinging onto Edward. Right now wasn't the time nor place to tell him.

Now back to the conversation that was being held...

"We have already sent some of our guards to Forks,"Aro stated. "The problem with Victoria will be finished for good. I will be honest, I'm not happy about this being under our radar and the murders and missing reports are being known to the humans." Aro's eyes drifted to Bella. "I'm assuming the date is set for your transformation."

"It is," Bella managed to get out. "What about her?" She nodded towards Allison.

"She is in a different position than yours," Caius growled out. "She is our mate and she's away from the public, while you, Bella, could easily spill the word about our existence."

Bella gave Allison a strange look.

Emmett smiled. "Looks like our baby sister will have a wedding in the near future." Rosalie elbowed Emmett.

"Well, I'm sure Miss Swan is exhausted and would like to rest," Aro said. "Stella, I would like for you to show our guests their rooms."

Stella nods. She ushered Bella and the Cullens out of the room.

Allison had an odd feeling; her parents had told her to always trust her gut. She swallowed that feeling down, she wasn't going to hide it, but right now, since her family was in the castle, she wanted to continue on with movie night.

"Aro," Allison said, catching all three of her mates attention. "It's your turn to pick a movie."

A/n: Hey guys, so I am doing a backstory of the Volturi; the original members of the Volturi from Stephenie Meyer's and my original characters like Stella, Dylin, etc..

It's called: The Volturi: Turned

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