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Allison heard her phone beep, she reached her arm out towards the nightstand where she usually kept her phone when it was charging over night, only to find that it wasn't there. She sat up, realizing that she wasn't at home. Her phone was beside her pillow, she looked at it, it was dying plus she had a message from her dad and Alice. Alice had apologized for getting her into this mess and told her to keep herself guarded. Her dad told her to be careful until he figures out what to do. Allison quickly messaged them to tell them that she will be fine and don't worry about her. She wasn't going to tell that she was conjuring up a plan to leave. Volterra wasn't home. Heck, she was probably going to be a snack as soon as she lost her value.

She heard a knock on the door. "Come in."

The door opened, revealing Felix holding a bag. The tall vampire was dressed in a dark gray suit with a medium gray shirt underneath with his Volturi necklace noticable. He walked over, placing the bag on the bed. "Heidi picked up some clothes for you," he said. "She'll probably take you shopping later."

Allison nodded. "Thanks..." She looked through the bag, there were three dresses, four blouses and a few skirts with two black heeled shoes. She picked the purple blouse and the black pencil skirt. "So... am I dressing up to become dinner?"

Felix tilted his head. "The Masters wants to see you."

Allison nodded, she figured that she was going to be facing her fate right now. She took the clothes that she picked out going to the bathroom, she stripped and got dressed quickly. She looked at herself in the mirror; the blouse and skirt felt a bit tight, her hair was a mess but it was decent for now. She stepped out of the bathroom to find Felix was still waiting for her.

"So... do you know if I'm facing trial today or not?" she asked.

"No," he replied. "I was only told to take you to the library." He took two steps towards her, the height difference between them made her feel small. "It would be faster if I carried you. Do I have permission to do so?"

Allison shrugged. "Sure."

Felix picked her up in one swift motion, holding her in a bridal style. She was used to being carried by her dad or one of her brothers, she was a bit surprised that Felix had offered to do that. After attacking him out of nowhere the other day, she figured that he would at least hold some sort of grudgement towards her, but she felt safe with him. He ran out of the room, down the halls of the castle until they were in front of the library doors. He set her down on her feet before giving one knock on the wooden doors and opened them.

Allison was amazed when she stepped in the library, it looked something something out of a movie. The Volturi kept their books organized by year, language, subject and author. She had ignored the fact that the three kings were watching her from the fireplace until she heard Aro speak to Felix in Italian.

"Grazie, Felix." Allison turned her attention to the kings. "Sei licenziato."

Felix gave a short bow before disappearing.

"Tesoro, I must say, you look absolutely wonderful," Aro said, eyeing her up and down. Allison blinked, she wasn't sure if the other two kings were doing the same thing but they were looking at her. "To see you as an immortal, well, you will sure be breath-taking."

"Is that why you three wanted to see me now?" she asked. "I'm going to be turned now?"

Aro shook his head. "No, not yet. We can discuss your changing later, but, for now, I would-" Caius cleared his throat, telling his brother that him and Marcus was part of everything that involved her. "We would like to get to know you. Come sit."

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