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Don't look back.

That was the last thing he heard Allison say to him. Seth wanted to argue with her, he wanted to grab her hand and run, instead he did what she told him to do. For a little sister, she sure was bossy when she had to be. He was the big brother, he had always looked out for her since they first met. They were always there for each other and now, Seth was running through the woods to get away, leaving her behind.

He was angry at himself for leaving her, angry at her for making up this plan when she knew that she wouldn't be going with him. Guilt because he was the one who was getting away, and fear because he has no idea if she was still alive.

It's been probably about an hour now, the Romanians would've found out. They would've killed her.

He looked around the woods, he couldn't tell where he was at. Whatever the hell he had been injected with, it was messing him up. He couldn't transform into a wolf, he couldn't run fast, he didn't have enough strength to kill if he had to...

Seth continued to push forward, even though he didn't want to, plus he was getting exhausted. He never got exhausted like this before. He dropped to his knees, he had to take a little break.

"I knew you wouldn't get too far." Seth straightened in alarm, he looked up to see Justin and a couple other vampires with him. Justin lifted Seth off the ground from the back of his shirt. "Someone's been a bad doggy."

Seth didn't say anything as the vampire carried him back to the Romanians.

________SHADOW ROSE____________________________

Bella is a vampire.

Bella is a fucking vampire now.

Allison stared at the Swan girl, she was honestly in shock that they had turned her. She figured that she may become supper or a human slave if the Romanians were into that, but not a vampire.

"I see immortality is wasted," Allison said, looking at Bella up and down. "I'm glad Edward didn't have to waste his time turning you." She was trying to get under Bella's skin, she wondered if Bella was in control of herself or is she just another newborn that can easily snap. Bella sneered at her. " Do you really think Edward would be okay with all this? Do you think you'll be part of the coven?"

Do you think that my father would let you live, was what she actually wanted to say but decided to hold back. Bella was obess with Edward, she had seen it after the first time the two of them met, she literally was always at his side. Allison loves her mates, but she wouldn't always constantly be at their side the way Bella was with Edward. Edward would do anything for her, literally. Allison didn't need her mates to hold her hand constantly and to do everything possible a human can do themselves; in a dire situation, like the one she is in, she definitely needed them.

Bella's red eyes held anger. "At least, I'm not trying to be at the center of everything."

Allison laughed. She actually had a good laugh. "You need a self-check, Bella. You really do."

Seemed like Allison had pushed Bella's buttons too much, the newborn vampire flew over to her, ripping her out of Willow's hold. Allison remained calm as Bella held her up by the neck of her throat then threw her across the room, knocking down some metal table that had tools on them.

Allison picked herself up, minding her broken leg. Everyone was watching the scene, except for Willow, she went to Yau after she noticed her moving.

"I feel bad for you, Bella. I really do," she said. She looked at the Romanians and the ex-queens. "For all of you."

Bella charged at her again, beating her. Allison had no choice but to take it since she still couldn't use her abilities. Bella had a habit to live in her own fantasy world, Allison could feed off of it and it triggers Bella; she had a feeling that deep down, Bella did know the real world, she just chooses not to face it. Allison lived in the real world, she knows that not everything has a happy ending.

____________SHADOW ROSE____________________

Justin carried Seth back to the place. Justin dismissed the others that he got to tag along with him, he was now going to have a private conversation with him. Justin carried Seth straight to the science lab that they held Seth at in the previous days. Justin threw Seth across the room, Seth landed next to an experiment table where he had been strapped in before.

Seth picked himself up. He listened to the sounds in the building, he could hear Allison being beaten, he growled at the sound. Alley? He tried to get through to her but she wasn't responding.

"That was pretty low," Justin said as he slowly walked towards him. "Leaving your sister with us."

Seth remained quiet. He didn't dare say that she was the one who wanted him gone, that she wanted him to save himself. Seth mentally scoffed at that, she wanted him to save himself and he couldn't even do that. That made him feel like a failure. At this moment, he did see himself as a failure. He believed that him and Allison would get out of here, he truly did, but now he was starting to think his sister was right. They may not be getting out of here.

"That Swan girl is finally awake. I don't know why the Romanians wanted to keep her," Justin ranted on. "It wasn't Sulpicia's nor Athenadora's orders to give her immortality."

Seth was silent.

Justin was now an inch away from Seth. "Vampire world domination, I believe in that." He picked Seth up by his throat."To bad, you won't be here to see it happen."

It happened as fast as lightening. Seth cried out in pure agony as he felt Justin dig his nails into his stomach, slicing him open. Justin dropped him to the ground, the vampire was going to watch the wolf die painfully. Seth looked down at his wound, so much blood was coming out.

He heard another presence joining them. "Justin, we got a problem." A female voice said.

"Oh?" Justin didn't even bother to look at her.

"The Volturi are in the area."

"WHAT?!" Justin exclaimed. He left. Seth figured that now Justin was running for his life instead of watching Seth die.

Everything hurt.

He was dying.

Alley? He reached out for her again. He had tears starting to flow down his cheek. They came for us.

Suddenly, the darkness consumed him.

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