Fly away, bird.

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The caged bird sings

with a fearful trill

of things unknown

but longed for still

and his tune is heard

on the distant hill

for the caged bird

sings of freedom.

- Maya Angelou


"Excuse me?!" I asked indignantly.

He chuckled deeply, sending chills down my back. Every instinct of mine screamed for me to move away from him. He looked over my body once again, smirking. I inched back from the window discreetly.

He was a lot like Malik, looks-wise. He also had that same woodsy smell that Malik had but with a different, heavier musk. And for some reason, I really couldn't stand the sight of his face. Or his personality. Why was he openly and so brazenly staring at my body, for God's sake?

I cleared my throat to get his attention back to my face, where it should be. He took his time, however, leisurely stopping at my chest before finally looking at my face.

"How lucky am I", he murmured appreciatively. "To catch a pretty little bird".

His hand reached into my car and I flinched back. Ignoring my reaction, he grasped my face tightly and made me face him.

Dr Patel said he was important and powerful. Men don't handle rejection well. Stay calm...

I took a deep breath to calm myself down and exhaled.

He stared into my eyes, that smirk turning into something sinister. His other hand caressed my face, in a manner that was gentle but made me recoil anyway.

"What's wrong, little bird?" He crooned. "Don't be scared".

I am scared. I don't care who he is. Sorry, Dr Patel - my self-preservation comes first.

"Let go of me, right now", I snapped, angrily. My other hand slowly reached out for the window switch to roll it up.

He snickered at my response and gripped my face even tighter, causing me to cry out in pain from the pressure he exerted. It felt like my jaw was going to break and judging by his smug face, it was a power display. He wanted to show me that he was vastly stronger than I was. And it was working. Never had I felt so scared before, and I could feel the adrenaline flooding my system in response to my fear, urging me to run.

"Why would I let you go when I just got you", he purred. "You served yourself up to me. Oh, you really made my life so much easier".

He took a deep sniff of my hair - the same section that Malik held - and giggled.

"Malik, oh, Malik", he murmured. "You've been a naughty pup".

I pressed the car lock button while he was distracted and the sound echoed loudly causing me to panic. I frantically, pulled on the button to make the windows roll-up and it slowly started to roll up. He looked at me incredulously and started to manically laugh at my attempts.

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