Hand Holding

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This is for @JenniLiz774  a new, promising writer.  *Check her out guys*

The next day, I called Luka filling him up with everything I found out yesterday. When I mentioned that I wanted to visit the forest, he said he would come with me tomorrow to have a look which was a massive relief. I was dying to know what was in the forest but after what happened to Caleb, only a fool would go by themselves.

As I got ready for the day, dressing in my usual work attire of a skirt and blouse, I decided to forego high heels and wear flats - just in the case where there an event like last time and I didn't want to be running about barefoot.

Pestering KK with loads of kisses, I grabbed my keys and headed for my car. I heard someone calling my name faintly but I ignored it as I was in a rush to go work and didn't want to be late - and I had an inkling it was Karl.

My situation with Karl was a weird one. He was definitely cute and attractive but he couldn't hold a candle to Malik. It was strange as since the incident with Malik, I no longer found Karl attractive - no blushing or fast pulse. Strangely, some instincts were screaming at me to stay away from Karl even though he hadn't done anything to raise red flags.

I frowned as I pulled my way into the car park after passing through security. Instead of taking a long way down to the basement and being late, I decided to just take the lift down - the same one he took when I first saw him.

I tried to ignore and push through the swell of memories from that night unsuccessfully. Damn it, why was that stupid incident etched into my brain? I normally had a good memory, but everything from that night was oddly crystal clear and I could remember every little detail. Especially the way he held - Nope, I was not allowing my mind to go there. I gave myself a little mental shake to get rid of those unwanted thoughts.

Speaking of that night, I wonder what happened with Jessica/Lily or whatever level of crazy she was showing today. I hoped there were repercussions for what she pulled off, but they wouldn't tell me as she wasn't my patient anymore. I felt sorry for which poor person was stuck with her next.

I stepped out of the lift and made my way to the office where I placed my handbag down. Just as I did, the lady from the office last time came bustling in - this time with a name tag. I slyly took a peek as I actually didn't know what her name was.

"Hey... Sam? I was wondering if the patient is ready for my session".

She raised her eyebrow at me, obviously picking up that I was staring at her name tag.

"Yes, he has been there since morning. Before you go in, alert the guards and sign in".

I nodded and made a rough plan on what I was going to do with my one-hour session with him. I've never assessed his mental state and traits, so I needed to do all of that. I grabbed a Psychometric test which would test his skills, personality and knowledge. Balancing my files, papers and my notepad in one hand, I left the office and headed towards the Viewing Room where he was sat, waiting.

I stood outside briefly, gathering myself. The last time I saw him, all kinds of weird feelings took over my body, most of them uncontrollable. This time, I wasn't going to let this stranger affect me. Taking a deep breath to calm my nervous heart, I knocked to announce my presence and walked into the room.

He was seated in the same place, as usual, this time with no straitjacket. He stared unwaveringly at me as I moved, and rather than cowing away from his gaze, I stared back him whilst taking the seat opposite him. His lips twisted slightly into a small smile and my heart skipped a beat, but apart from that, he remained quiet and motionless and I remained outwardly calm.

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