To Escape Only To Be Shackled

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"Malik, oh dear, Malik", Lily purred, reaching out her hand, daintily. Malik took her hand and brushed a single kiss along the back of her hand, her skin soft and sweet-smelling. He wrinkled his nose, rose and lavender, and wondered how on Earth she smelt so nice when he was given a plain bar of unscented soap. She giggled and stood, slipping her hand into the crook of his elbow. "Finally, you've come to rescue this damsel in distress", she sang softly. "You wouldn't have forgotten me, would you?"

"Of course not, how could I?" He lied. "Shall we, my lady?"

"We shall", she giggled excitedly. Lily took one last look at her room, the plain bed pushed against the wall, the lone table in the centre of the room and sighed. Malik looked at her dreamy look and tilted her chin up to face him.

"No time for nostalgia", he whispered.

Lily gave a secretive half-smile. "Darling, I'm not nostalgic about this shit-hole, but it is a shame to see my backup plans go to waste. It involved me heroically carrying you out of here, bridal style".

He chuckled and released her chin. "Come on, princess", he mocked, arm outstretched. They walked to the door, his steps stealthy and hers light.

"My, oh my!" Lily gasped as she took in the sea of bodies littering the passage. "A red carpet? Just for me? Oh, Malik, you know how to please a girl".

Malik rolled his eyes at her weird sense of excitement as she watched the bodies with gleaming eyes.

"Don't even think about it", he warned as he took another look at her.

"I can't help it", she sniffled dramatically. "This is the most sweetest thing someone has ever done for me. Dear me, I think I will cry".

"If you cry", Malik half-heartedly threatened. "I will drag you back in your cell, lock the door and then break the handle off".

Lily scoffed and wiped her imaginary tear away. "Don't be such a spoilsport, let a girl have her fun".

They continued to walk through the bodies, his strides wide but hers small so she could eagerly tread on each and every body, snickering occasionally. There were random bangs on the door from another patient, begging to be released but Malik ignored them all, his face stoic. Lily, on the other hand, took her time to smile and wave at each one, all traces of tears disappeared from her face.

"Really?" Malik asked as a man angrily shouted sexual slurs at her.

"I am accustomed to a certain lifestyle", Lily replied, mischievously. "I'm just practising for when I make my comeback-"

Lily trailed off as suddenly a door to the stairs opened and a woman stood in shock as she took in the sight that awaited her; bodies of the guards littering the large corridor and two patients strolling along as if they were on a date with the girl nuzzled close to the man.

"Oh my God!" The doctor gasped. Her skin paled a few shades as a stack of papers flew out of her hands, scattering along the floor in a white, ink-stained mess.

"Oh, my God!" Lily agreed, leaning forward. "I love that dress, it's soo pretty! I was really admiring it when you came for our session earlier today but you ignored me when I complimented you. Why did you ignore me?"

"Uh", the doctor faltered, her hand reaching for the pocket of her white lab coat. She wore a burgundy woolly dress underneath that came up to her knees in length and looked to be very expensive but it didn't seem to be particularly special to Malik.

"I said your dress is pretty, do you have no manners?" Lily snarled.

"Oh, thank you", the woman stuttered, stalling. Malik watched amusedly at the interaction, his dark eyes flitting from the doctor back to Lily.

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