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JIMIN LET OUT A HEAVY SIGH AS HE TRIED TO PUSH THE EXCITEMENT FROM HIS MIND LATER THAT AFTERNOON. He's busy repotting plants at the back of the greenhouse, covered potting soil and sweat. There's dirt everywhere, even under his nails (which Jimin hates but there's no escaping it) and he's trying his hardest to focus on the plants in front of him, but it's almost impossible. Trying to block the conversation he had with his professor from his mind was much harder than expected. His mind was reeling with the fact that only did he get some answers for his nightmares, but that he was finally going to talk to him. Jimin's hardly paying attention to what he's doing as he figures out what he wants to say to him. He knows that he's going to have to write them down when he gets home or he'll forget, but for the time being, the mental list will have to do.

On the other side of the woods, Yoongi is also mulling over what he'd like to ask.

He felt more at ease knowing that he's going to meet with him. It was as if a huge weight had been lifted off his shoulders, especially now that he had a rational explanation for why he felt so drawn to him.

He loves you. Jimin got chills just thinking about it. This beautifully, inhumane creature had loved him at some point in the past and was still loving him to this day. Somehow that seemed almost...sinful to Jimin; that this god-like thing had picked him of all people and loved him so fiercely that when he lost him, he'd been driven mad by it. Or maybe it felt sinful because of the way he had kissed him and that instead of pushing him away like a normal, sensible person, he had drawn him closer and kissed him back. Now, he was craving him, however, Jimin assumed that this was because they had once been lovers and now his subconscious longed for what it had lost.

Sighing, he sat back on his feet and peered around his workspace. Since arriving at work, he'd managed to repot a total of twelve plants - way below what he was used to, but it didn't help that he'd been distracted all day. Jimin figured that at this point, he'd be distracted all the way up until Saturday. He was annoyed by it. This shouldn't be affecting him as much as it was. He thought he had more control than that.

He poured himself into his work then, determined to not let this creature get to him anymore that he already had. He needs to get these plants potted and out into the front so that Wendy could price them. He should have been done hours ago, but alas, here he was. As an attempt to distract himself, he thought about the hours of homework that he had to do when he returned home. He made a mental list of the most important assignments, and grimaced about the poetry analysis that he knew he would have to do. He regrets not paying attention now.

It helps though, and he managed to repot another twelve or so plants in under twenty minutes. He rose to his feet, wiping the dirt on his jeans in the process. He desperately needed to shower.

He spent the next hour or so helping Wendy price and stock the plants, before completely taking over so that she could handle cash. With May in full swing, they gradually became swamped as more and more people came into the greenhouse. The weather was lovely this afternoon and it was significantly warmer. Jimin prefers working with the plants anyways (although that's not to say he isn't social). He's engrossed with the task at hand as he stocked the shelves in front of him that he doesn't notice the man approaching him.

Jimin felt incredibly cold all of a sudden, as a chill ran down his spine. It's a drastic change in temperature.

"You seem distracted, my dear. Is something wrong?"

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