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"MON COEUR? WHAT ARE YOU DOING OUT HERE, IT'S FREEZING," The younger's lips are almost blue as he stands on the edge of the cliff, looking down at the water. Yoongi is paralyzed with fear, he doesn't understand why Jimin is acting like this. He's terrified of heights, so he doesn't know what is compelling him to lean so close off the edge.

Yoongi never liked this cliff. The view might have been breathtaking, but Jimin was partial to standing close to it to watch the boats go by and that's what scared him. He didn't want Jimin anywhere near the ledge in case he happened to fall off when he wasn't present. Twice now it had happened, and each time, had terrified him. He wasn't prepared to lose him.

He reached out to him, motioning for Jimin to give him his hand. The younger's back is still turned to him however, eyes glued to whatever it was that he found so fascinating at the edge. "Mon Coeur, please, you're scaring me," Yoongi whispered. He worried for Jimin, he's far more breakable than he is, and if he were to fall...well Yoongi could certainly break his fall, but there was a very high chance that Jimin would still be injured, and so he didn't want to risk it. "Love come here," Yoongi demanded in a soft tone, "Please, before you fall and hurt yourself,"

But Jimin stayed still, standing on the edge of the cliff in nothing but his pajama bottoms, staring out at the vast, stormy sea. The waves crashed and rolled against the bottom of the cliff, and the rain had begun to fall harder now. He could hear thunder rumbling in the distance. If they stayed like this Jimin was bound to get sick.

"Jimin, please," Yoongi sighed, hand still outstretched.

Jimin finally looked behind him, spinning around so quickly that he almost lost his balance, and Yoongi surged forward to catch him. But Jimin held his hands up - like he was afraid of Yoongi, and this made him stop in his tracks. Jimin was scared of him, his eyes were full of fear as he whimpered lightly. Yoongi's hands were still outstretched to him, but he was frozen again. "Jimin?" he whispered.

"Y-Yoongi?" he whimpered again, his bottom lip trembling. Yoongi could smell the fear that was radiating off him.

Jimin looked like he was about to cry. Yoongi wanted to tell him everything was going to be okay, that he didn't need to cry, but he couldn't. Because Jimin's back foot slipped, sending him over the edge of the cliff.


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Yoongi was wrenched from his slumber with a cry. He tumbled from his bed in the process, landing on the floor with a thud. If he had a heart, it would be pounding from the agony that he was in. Yoongi's worst fear had always been that Jimin would get hurt when he wasn't around, or that he wouldn't be able to save him time. It was one thing to have it play out in real life, and to have it torment him for the rest of his life that he wasn't fast enough to reach him, it was another thing to see it. He'd been spared the fact that he didn't have to watch Jimin die. It had been worse, to pull his body from the lake, and know that nothing he could do would save him, but in a way he'd been grateful that he didn't have to witness the horror on Jimin's face as it happened.

But now his subconscious was playing with him too, showing him what he feared the most through the use of another thing Yoongi had been terrified off. He knew how much Jimin had loved to watch the boats go past on the sea, but he wished he wouldn't sit so close to the edge. He's almost fallen a few times, and each of those times, Yoongi had just been able to catch him. It was too close to comfort, and was the only time he ever really found himself angry with Jimin. Angry that he would dare to put his life in danger over something as silly as the view.

"You could have been hurt, god dammit!"


"What if I hadn't been there and you had fallen? Huh? I don't want to find out that you're missing one day and dead the next Jimin! You're such a reckless human, idiotic and-"

Jimin's hands found their way to his face and pulled him in for a deep kiss. "I'm sorry," he whispered against his cold lips. "I didn't mean to worry you like that, I just wanted to see the boats. Please don't be mad at me love,"

And so his anger had subsided. It always had, because he could never stay angry with him, it would hurt too much.

The anger was long gone, but had been replaced with agony as he sat hunched on his bedroom floor, gasping for air that he didn't need. He wished he couldn't dream, that his brain couldn't come up with scenarios such as this that would haunt his memory forever. Jimin's pained face and his terrified eyes would forever be engraved in his mind. Jimin had never been afraid of him before. Yoongi was very careful about not letting Jimin see a violent side to him, and even if he did lose control, Jimin had never looked at him as if he was a monster. So for him to be so afraid in his dream not only broke him, but terrified him as well, because he doesn't understand what he could have done to have spooked him.

Was this his punishment for not saving him? For not turning him when he had the chance to? For not turning him when he had asked so nicely, and begged for a forever?

It had to be. This was the price he must pay for losing him. It was cruel and unjust, but deserving. This was his price, his punishment for the life he had lived. Yoongi did not want to live this way.

He clawed his way to his feet, and in one swift motion had thrown back the balcony doors and slipped into the night.

The cliff's edge has changed drastically over the years. It's no longer a hidden hideaway, surrounded by trees and shrubs, and grass. Logging companies have turned it into a lookout where only the brave and stupid venture. Yoongi is always hearing horror stories of those who have tumbled off the highest peak to their deaths. There's at least one every year.

He feels like he's walking the plank as he sauntered up to the edge of the cliff. He feels so vulnerable and naked out in the open. He missed the trees, and how they used to surround this place. Now it's all empty. He can't hide out here. The rocks are cold and wet against his bare feet, but it doesn't affect him.

He feels broken as he kneels at the edge, staring out at the calm sea before him. It's dark blue waters have yet to be graced by the sun's light, and it's so calm and peaceful. There are no boats out on the waters yet, and there probably won't be for at least another month - not until mid may at the earliest. It doesn't look like the way it did in his dreams. There's no storm approaching, no waves crashing angrily against the rocks. He doesn't dare peer over the edge, in fear that he would have to see Jimin's face staring back at him. He feels a sense of relief though, because he can't smell his scent anywhere. His house is clouded with it, but there's no trace of him on this edge. It's enough to clear his mind, to help him think.

Yoongi stays on that edge for a very long time.

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this is me making up for my lack of updates

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