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day 12



"Can you blame me? You look so handsome in that suit,"

" that so?"


"Well then...I'll keep that in mind,"

"While you're at it, I also think it would look much better on the floor..."

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JIMIN'S BORED. He'd spent the entirety of his morning alone in the library, pouring over his work in an attempt to revise the seventh draft of his essay; He would have liked to have been more productive, but the past half hour had been spent staring at the pages before him, the angry red scribbles from all his edits staring back up at him in a taunting manner. He was losing focus and pretty soon, he found himself sitting back in his chair, staring blankly out the window. His mind wandered back to Yoongi - who had been on his mind all morning, a major reason why it had become so hard to focus on any of his work. He had caught a glimpse of Yoongi leaving for work this morning with Hoseok, and it felt as if he was reliving his dream all over again. He was dressed in a tailored, navy coloured suit that was incredibly form fitting. He could make out the outlines of his muscles, and it was much different from the usual t-shirt and jeans that he had grown accustomed to seeing him wear. The image of his dressed like that would forever be engraved in his mind, and it embarrassed him to admit that most of his morning had been spent thinking about how to get him out of it rather than thinking of clever ways to make his essay sound more intelligent than what it was right now. As noon rolled around, and the heavy rain from this morning turned into a light drizzle, allowing the sunlight to peek through the clouds, he pushed the essay in defeat. He would have to pick it up again some other time.

It felt strange, as he stared out the window, knowing that he would not be spending the afternoon with Yoongi. Jimin didn't know what exactly the older did for work, other than the fact that he had a meeting today, but he assumed that it was relatively similar to what Hoseok did seeing as they had left together. He would be gone until the late evening, leaving Jimin to his own devices, and while he was pretty good at entertaining himself, he had grown accustomed to the older's presence and felt out of place knowing that he was gone. He felt like a stranger at Eden. Fortunately for him, there was somebody still around who was more than happy to cure his boredom.

Taehyung had stumbled across the younger alone in the library, and took it upon himself to entertain him in Yoongi's absence. Which is how Jimin ended up in the middle of the woods with Taehyung, on a little adventure to a river so that they could supposedly look at pretty fish. Jimin wasn't sure pretty fish lived in a river but it was better than sitting alone in boredom. However he had been wary to leave the comfort of Eden, even more so to venture into the woods while Yoongi was gone. He didn't want to worry Yoongi, but he was also afraid of what was lurking in the woods. But Taehyung assured Jimin that he wouldn't let anything harm him and with one menacing snarl to showcase his pointy teeth, Jimin was prepared to take on the woods with him.

The weather had finally begun to clear up as they ventured outside the comfort of Eden. Sticks and dirt crunched beneath their boots, squelching into the mud. Birds could be heard chirping in the distance; combined with the soft drizzle of rain and the rustling of leaves in the warm summer breeze, the atmosphere was calm and peaceful. It felt good to be out in nature, surrounded by muted greens and warm browns. It was different from being in the garden, where everything was much more colourful and bright.

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