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EDEN WAS FILLED WITH AN UNEASY TENSION THAT MORNING AS JIN HURRIED UP THE FRONT STEPS. He didn't even bother to wait for Hoseok, who seemed concerned, and confused at Jin's behaviour. Jin ignored him completely, running inside.

He had to make sure Jimin was okay.

He didn't know what to expect when Jungkook called him at an ungodly hour of the morning, but he hadn't expected him to sound panicked. Jungkook was usually the calmer of the three, thanks to his Alpha's demeanour and personality, but he seemed on the verge of tears as he babbled to Jin over the phone. He had been mumbling something about cuts, and bruises and a lot of blood, but he had no idea what he was talking about until he heard Jimin's name spilling out amongst the mix.

"I don't know what happened, Hyung, he seemed fine before he went to bed but then-"

"What happened?" Jin had interrupted him before he could finish.

"He had a nightmare Jin — it's bad, Hyung, his neck, you'd think Yoongi tried to tear his throat out or something,"


"No, no, Hyung, he didn't — Yoongi didn't bite him, he'd never, you'd know that, I'm just saying that's how bad it looks like,"

"Jesus, is he alright?"

"I don't know. It's been quiet since they've reunited, why are they coming back now all of a sudden?"

"I don't know," Jin whispered. "I'll be there as soon as possible,"


Hoseok caught up with Jin, gently placing his hand on his shoulder. Jin felt bad when he shook him away, but he needed-

"Mon Chere, please, take a deep breath, you're making me nervous,"

"I knew something was wrong," Jin muttered, forcing himself to do as Hoseok asked. "I knew it, and I didn't do anything, I just let him go and-"

"It's just a nightmare though," Hoseok argued, unaware of the severity of the issue. "It can't be as horrible as you're making it out to be right?"

Jin had to resist the urge to smack his boyfriend upside the head. It's not his fault that he doesn't understand the seriousness behind Jimin's nightmares. He hasn't experienced first hand the way he's woken up with terror in his eyes, and bruises on his body. So he forgives him mentally, and sighs once more.

"You don't understand," Jin tells him. "It's so much more than that. These aren't normal nightmares, Hobi, they're...something supernatural. They have a life of their own,"

The pair found Yoongi pacing in the hallway as they ascended the stairs; Namjoon, Aurora and Taehyung were there attempting to comfort the man. Jungkook was nowhere to be seen, but Jin suspected he was with Jimin.

Hoseok had never seen Yoongi look so...shattered. His eyes are dark and bloodshot; he's muttering quietly. Hoseok can tell he's not listening to Namjoon who's arguing with him in a low tone. He feels unsettled; this was the calm before the storm.

Jin, however, looks calm, which he finds is equally unsettling.

Hoseok wonders just how often he's had to deal with these nightmares. He's too quiet, his face serious, that it's more disturbing to look at him than it is to look at Yoongi.

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