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JIMIN HAS NEVER BEEN HERE BEFORE; this part of the forest seems foreign to him. It's dark, and murky — a thick layer of fog covered the forest floor and surrounded him with a hazy cloud of white. Jimin can't see his feet, he's been tripping over them the entire time he's been stumbling through the forest.

What are you waiting for?

Why haven't you come home to me?

You're not home.

Yes I am

You belong with me

He was never meant to have you

You were meant to be mine

I'll never be yours.

Oh you will be


Don't play games with me; you'll never win

Jimin trudged deeper into the forest. He needed to get back home to Yoongi. He wanted to be in his arms again where he knew he'd be safe, but which way was home?

Stop thinking about him

You'll be safe with me

I'll never be safe with you. You'll just hurt me like all other times.



Jimin craned his neck in the direction of the voice.

"Jimin! Where are you!"

"I'm here!"

Jimin took off into the woods, chasing his voice. A relieved smile spread across his face as he raced towards. I'm coming, he thought to himself, wait for me.

Fog crept around him the further into the woods he went. Jimin stumbled over stones and ducked under fallen branches. More and more fog surrounded him.

"Come home to me!" Yoongi's voice called out to him.

I'm trying. I'll always come home to you.


That's it

Come home to me

But Jimin wasn't going home to him. He was going home to Yoongi. It would always be Yoongi. He was all that mattered anymore.

Jimin was surrounded by fog as he stumbled into a clearing. He couldn't see a thing however. Twigs crunched under his feet as he spun around in a circle. His breathing was shaky. He frowned.

"Yoongi!" He called out. "Where are you?!"

I told you, hissed the voice. The fog around Jimin began to evaporate and he was filled with a sinking feeling. You'll come home to me. Always.

Jimin was at the lake now, and he was waiting for him in the centre of it all. Wet, black hair covered most of his face, but Jimin knew he was angry. He could feel it radiating off him.

"You tricked me," Jimin uttered in disbelief.

I don't know what it is about him that appeals to you

"You tricked me!"

You'd have never come otherwise

I suppose I'll have to punish you for that as well, Darling

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