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Jimin was torn; on one hand he did not want to be here. It was a stupid decision and he'd have been safer at Eden, but on the other hand...something deep inside of him told him to come back.

He should not have listened to it.

His argument was that his letters were here — the ones Yoongi had written to him all those years ago — and that he wanted them back. God forbid that creature come back and find them before he could. A voice inside him told him he had to go back for them; it insisted upon it.

But Yoongi could see the confusion in his eyes and in his voice when Jimin asked him. Jimin could not explain why the letters were so important that he needed to risk going back to his apartment, only that he absolutely had to, and that worried both of them.

Jimin tried to ignore the feeling; he pushed the thought to the back of his mind and buried it there, but as one day turned into another, he became more and more paranoid over not having them. Yoongi finally broke down, promising that they could go.

"Don't cry, Mon Coeur, it'll be alright, we can go," Yoongi had promised in order to cease his tears. It was all the younger seemed to do anymore and it distressed him. If having the damned letters would ease his paranoia then so be it.

"I don't-"

"Shh that doesn't matter, we'll go get them, that'll make you happy won't it?"


"Then don't cry anymore my love, we'll go,"

And yet, now that he was here, Jimin didn't feel happy or relieved as he stared down at the letters in his hands. He felt dizzy — the room around him felt wonky and rocked from side to side making it hard to focus — and nauseous. He had to close his eyes to keep from throwing up. He couldn't quite explain it, but whatever had been here had left its mark, even after it was long gone. Darkness now resided here, and had made this its home. Jimin could sense it. He no longer felt comfortable calling this his home. It belonged to something else.

He shoved the letters into his bag and exited his room, shivering as a chill ran through him. He glanced over his shoulder wondering if he'd left a window open by accident.

Yoongi was waiting for him in the living room. He seemed equally as anxious and eager to leave.

"I'm ready to go," he said, crossing the apartment. "Now. I can't breathe in here,"

"Did you find them?" Yoongi asked, pulling him from the apartment immediately. He was relieved that they were finally leaving. Yoongi didn't like this place one bit. How strange, he used to find it comforting because this was Jimin's home. It didn't feel like that anymore. The younger fumbled with the keys as he tried to lock the door.

"Yes," he replied, breathing heavily. "I found them. But I don't feel good, I feel nervous, just like yesterday,"

"Oh?" This concerned Yoongi.

"This feels wrong, all of it," Jimin whispered. "It's almost as if something wanted me here,"

Yoongi felt a wave of nausea wash over him.

"Mon Coeur-"

"Home," Jimin interrupted. "Take me home, Yoongi,"

He took the keys from his hands and locked the door.

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