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chapter twenty-one

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EDEN WAS SILENT AS YOONGI LED JIMIN UP THE HILL. In the early morning light, Jimin could make out the silhouette of the large establishment, but not the finite details, as it was still too dark for his eyes. Nonetheless, the sheer size was enough to shock Jimin as he stumbled after Yoongi. It was unlike he'd ever seen before - at least not in person. His home didn't look like it belonged anywhere near Collin's Port, let along smack down in the middle of the woods. Jimin knew that some of the cottage homes were quite beautiful up in this area of the woods, but this was far more extravagant than ever.

Jimin was astonished at the sheer size of everything when they finally made their way up the driveway. He still had trouble making out the details, but he knew that the crownmoldings, and the architecture would be beyond anything he'd ever seen before. He wished that the sun would come out so that he could admire the home - the darkness hid everything from him.

Including the woman perched on the front steps.

Jimin didn't notice her until she had moved, flinging herself down the front steps in a graceful manner. Her ghost-like movements spooked him into ducking behind Yoongi, clinging to his shirt. Her dark hair blended into the night sky and the early morning shadows. She was quiet - too quiet - for his liking. Everything about this place was odd, and unreal. Even the people.

"Aurora," Yoongi mused. "What a surprise,"

Judging by his tone, however, Jimin could tell that he wasn't surprised at all. Had she been expecting him?

"Yoongi," she replied. "Gave us quite a scare, running out like that,"

"My apologies, there was something I needed to do," He responded. "Someone thought it would be funny to give me yet another heart attack,"

Jimin frowned, and peeked over Yoongi's shoulder. "I'm not that reckless," he argued, with a slight pout. "You're just over-protective,"

"I wouldn't need to be over-protective if you weren't so reckless," Yoongi replied, looking back at him. "You really do have a knack for trouble, Mon Coeur,"

Jimin pouted once more, before tearing his eyes away from him. They landed on the woman - Aurora - instead, and felt a cold shiver run up his spine. She too, was both god-like, and inhuman as Yoongi was, with pale and dainty features, and ghost-like movements.

"Is this him?" she whispered softly. She never took her eyes off him as she spoke to Yoongi. He didn't miss the glimmer of excitement in her eyes.

"Yes," Yoongi murmured. "This is Jimin,"

Aurora smiled softly at him. "It's so nice to finally meet you," she said in a pleasing tone. "Yoongi talks about you so much,"

Jimin could feel his face heat up, and for the first time that night, he was grateful that it was still dark out so that they couldn't see; unbeknownst to the fact that Yoongi didn't need to see to know. He could smell his blood, and the way that it pooled in his cheeks. "Do I know you?" Jimin questioned, tilting his head to the side. Aurora let out a laugh, that both soothed him and frightened him. Something about her voice unsettled him, but he couldn't figure it out.

"No," she replied. "You were long gone by the time Namjoon introduced me to Yoongi, but I feel as if I know you from Yoongi's stories,"

Jimin turned a little more red.

"Oh," he whispered.

"I am surprised to see you here though - I heard the last time Yoongi tried to talk to you, he got slapped," Aurora piped up, amusement heavy in her voice. "Did he kidnap you this time?"

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