[ C H A P T E R T W E N T Y-F I V E ]

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There weren't very many words shared while we watched the movie, but being snuggled in his lap had me smiling like an idiot.

The movie ended eventually, and I got out of his lap. "My legs are numb now..." He spoke for the first time since the kiss. I smacked him with a pillow, I guess they were my weapon of choice now.

He spoke again. "Are you- sure that everything was okay with that?" he stood up, and I had to look up to meet his gaze. "If you didn't- if you don't want that to- we can just forget-" he struggled to put his words together, and I saw a blush creep onto his skin. "You're out of my league and everything, we don't have to-"

I cut him off by gripping the collar of his shirt, dragging him down so his face was at my height and smashed my lips on his to shut him up. After a few seconds, I felt him smile into the kiss and wrap his arms around me.

I knew my answer, and I had given it to him without speaking a word.

"Are you wearing some kind of strawberry lip... stuff?" It was the best he could think of, apparently the almighty blade could be dazed with a simple kiss. I laughed at his spaced out expression, and nodded. 

That night was the first time I didn't have to drag him into the bed, but he still did hesitate until I gripped his pillow menacingly.

He would never admit it, but this was the happiest Techno had ever been.

-time skip to morning-

Sundays were always my favourite, an excuse to sleep in and have breakfast at noon. We told the sleepy bois everything about "us", and of course they took to teasing immediately.

I wanted to look pretty today, so I rummaged through my suitcase for something nice. I eventually picked out a turtleneck with baggy sleeves and a high-waisted pleated skirt with tights, plus a thick belt. A small bag and black heeled boots finished off the look, and even gave me a bit more height.

I found Techno in his room, and his eyes lit up when he saw me. I couldn't help the growing smile on my face. "What?" "What do ya mean what?" "You're looking at me funny..." I spoke with a laugh, and he diverted his attention to his computer.

"I'm going to stream on the SMP, I was thinking of trying out mediashares!" I had been setting it up for yesterday but I didn't get to streaming.

We both logged on, nothing really interesting was going on. Techno didn't want to stream so he just watched mine from his room while in a vc with me.

Some of the donations were really funny, but there was one in particular that got me thinking. As I read it out, I heard Techno snicker. "You said you were in california, and Techno lives there too! You guys should meet up! Hmm... what do you think Mr. Blade?" "DM me your address"

I dm'd him a photo of chat to make it seem like I was actually messaging him about this, my facecam was on this stream so everyone could see me text him.

Jack of All Trades- Technoblade Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now