[ 18 ] naruto and sasuke

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previously. . . 

But he'd only just gotten to his past selve's home when his senses alerted him to a presence in the trees. Watching him.


He quickly discarded the thought when a second more of consideration revealed a familiar chakra signature. But his recognition did nothing to erase his confusion.




The Uchiha stepped out from the shadows. Real ominous, Sasuke. His hands were hidden in pockets and his gaze drifted, avoiding Naruto's.

It was different and confused Naruto, seeing as both he and Sasuke were the confrontational type. Had it been the younger Naruto, Sasuke might be avoiding his eyes simply because he wanted to appear superior. Now, though, it was almost. . .humble? If anything, sheepish.

"Why are you hiding in the bushes by my house?"

Sasuke sputtered, taken aback by the question. (Naruto quietly smiled, for he had successfully broken the tension in the air.) "I wasn't in the--you know what? Nevermind." He breathed in a calming breath. "I want you to answer my questions. For real, this time."

Naruto sighed, pocketing his house key. Just like that, the tension was back. Sasuke had always been a mood killer in that way. He turned to properly face the Uchiha, studying him. "I don't know if I can do that, Little Sasuke. Rules of time, butterfly effect, stuff like that."

"Break them," Sasuke said simply.

"Break the laws of time? For you?" Naruto brought a hand to his chin, pretending to think. Sasuke watched eagerly.

"Why not? Follow me."

He led Sasuke down the scenic route, trying to buy time as they hopped from roof to roof. Eventually they landed atop the Fourth's carved head. Help me out, Dad?

Kurama barked a laugh. Good luck with that one, brat. You're in way over your head.

"So," Naruto began, discarding his companion's less-than-encouraging words, "what is it that couldn't wait until morning?"

Sasuke looked around. "Why did we circle around the entire village if we were just going to come here?"

I was stalling.

"I don't have all day, Little Sasuke." Naruto settled himself at the edge of the carving, overlooking the entire village. It was his favorite view, despite everything he'd seen in his life. Every village was beautiful, but nothing quite compared to sitting above his home and watching villagers mill about. "Just remember that you can't order me around, alright? I have a right to keep my mouth shut for everyone's good--plus, I'm older than you now."

Sasuke hesitated. His original intent had been to get some quick information, confirm a few things, and leave shortly after. Now, Naruto was making this into an entire ordeal by relocating and making himself comfortable. But Sasuke needed this, so he carefully lowered himself down onto the stone slightly behind Naruto.

Suddenly, though, it was hard to work out what he wanted to say. How much did this Naruto know? He'd said that, in the future, Sasuke had achieved his goal. But had he meant his ultimate goal? Words failed him as he tried to string together the proper question.

Naruto stretched his arms out behind him, watching the sun as it neared the horizon line. The village was still a buzz, shops in the marketplace scrambling to sell the last of their goods that day, families and friends meeting outside of their favorite places to enjoy the night. Briefly, Naruto wondered why Tsunade was allowing the village to proceed with such normality with the high risk at the moment, but he supposed she'd doubled security and posted shinobi everywhere to patrol as he'd been doing the past couple of days.

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