[ 23 ] itachi's lead

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previously. . .

Naruto clasped his eyes closed, holding up a hand in greeting.

"It's a little late for this, isn't it, Itachi?"


Past Naruto was confused.

It was a familiar feeling, actually. There weren't a lot of times he wasn't confused.

But this was different. Really, truly different.

And it wasn't even because his future self was bunking in his house. (Though he was sure that had something to do with it.) It was also not something he could blame on Sasuke--which was sort of disappointing. Everything bad should be Sasuke's fault.

But Naruto was sure this had nothing to do with his Uchiha teammate. It was all him this time. Him and the demon fox sealed inside of him.

Naruto had his fair share of near-death experiences--times when he stared his life in the eyes and practically waved goodbye. Those times were probably Sasuke's fault. But there was one constant in each of the experiences; something he was getting used to, in a sick, twisted way.

That Nine-Tailed Beast within him would urge him to let him take over. Use my power, it taunted. You could save them all.

And Naruto would say no, of course. He knew the temptation was bad, and bad things would happen if he gave in. So he fought. He fought it thinking about Iruka-sensei and his face the night he found out, thinking about the fear the villagers harbored around him. He thought about everything he cared about and was determined to protect, and convinced himself: I can do this on my own.

So he was getting used to resisting. It wasn't easy--especially considering emotions were unpredictable, sometimes uncontrollable--but Naruto tried his best.

What he wasn't used to was the fox speaking to him during a moment of peace.

There was no battle. No one he needed to save. In fact, Naruto just wanted to relax. But it was never that easy.

Human. . .

Past Naruto flinched in his bed. His eyes were still pressed close when he furrowed his brow. He offered no answer.

Something strange is going on, I can feel it. . .

Ignore. Ignore him.

Give me control. Let me fix things.

Shut up, Naruto commanded. For a second filled with silence, he thought it might've worked.

It is inevitable. You need my strength.

"I'm trying to sleep!" Naruto exclaimed aloud, sitting up in bed. His hands flew to his mouth when he realized he might wake his future self. After a beat of quiet, though, Naruto released a slow breath and lay back down.

The Nine-tailed Fox did not speak again that night. Naruto drifted to sleep with relative ease, but his thoughts were a burden. He was losing control, his grip loosening on his own consciousness. Being a prisoner in his own body--it was scary.

It won't happen.

Kurama laughed.


Itachi was silent. 

Naruto figured he wasn't there for a fight or anything as drastic, so he made no move to guard himself.

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