[ 34 ] itachi's truth

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previously. . .

Naruto turned back to Past Sasuke. He shook his head. "Itachi was in Konoha, yes. For, like, one night. I had no obligation to tell you. And, frankly, I don't know if I was talking to the real Itachi or some sort of clone. I know you have questions, but that Sasuke," he pointed to the figure slowly fading in the distance, "he's not the same as you. So don't expect him to be. Things happened, circumstances changed. And. . ."

They watched him struggle to find the right words for a moment, his brows creased with. . .grief?

Naruto looked over all of them. "Just be careful," he said, before turning himself and following Sasuke.

They had to move. Those two were their only way to complete this mission. Kakashi stepped forward.

"Let's go."

Past Sasuke was conflicted. Why was the feeling so familiar? He thought he was sure of what he wanted. He'd always been--at least, he'd been ever since the day he lost everything and was told to become stronger. Revenge. He wanted Itachi to suffer for the things he'd done to not only Sasuke himself, but also their family. All of them.

The cursemark on his shoulder pulsed.

He wanted to scream. But Sakura was pulling his arm, urging him to move, and there were too many things that would hear him. His father would never approve of him losing his composure.

No. Past Sasuke still had his goal. It was a little foggier than before, but that was okay.

After all; the answers, the future? They'd come right to him.

He could still figure this out.


Naruto decided they were visiting Orochimaru under the worst possible circumstances ever.

Both Sasukes, young and old, were angry. He didn't have to look at their faces or know about the previous conversation to know. He could feel it. And the last thing Naruto wanted to do was bring emotionally vulnerable Uchihas to the heart of a rogue's hideout in the middle of a time dilemma.

But Sasuke was moving swiftly (though noticeably slower than he'd go alone), dashing from tree branch to tree branch. He hadn't looked back once. He hadn't given directions or said anything. Naruto wouldn't be surprised if he hadn't blinked, honestly.

"Sasuke," he called, successfully gaining the attention of everyone in their group except Sasuke. Naruto had been moving at a reasonable pace between Team 7 and Sasuke, trying to keep everyone at least semi-together. Now, though, in an effort to have a conversation without listening ears, he picked up his pace until he was beside his friend.

"Where were you after Madara used the jutsu?" he asked. Naruto didn't actually need the information. Not in the slightest. If it was important, Sasuke would've mentioned it already. He figured something that sounded legitimate would actually get an answer out of him, though.

Sasuke didn't look at him, or pause to think, or slow his pace.

"Where you found me," was his short, clipped, and obvious answer.

Naruto was tempted to read into it. If Sasuke had been in the same place the entire time he'd been in the village, that meant it had taken some time for him to break out of the genjutsu and come to his own conclusions. Heh heh.

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