[ 09 ] reporting

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As the chakra began to glow and smoke on the Hyuuga's body, Naruto called on Kurama's power and wrapped it around himself, jumping into action. He grabbed the Hyuuga by the torso and leapt onto the roof to their left, launching off of the clay tiles from there into mid-air, hoping to absorb the blow.

What would you do with me?

Dimly, Naruto recognized Kurama's voice in his mind over the commotion below him, and a smirk set into his features. Just help me out here.

Kurama snorted.

Naruto allowed himself to focus on gathering chakra around him, and, specifically, in front of him for protection as the Hyuuga’s body grew warmer and warmer. He was focused just like he'd been during the war just that morning, taking care to distribute power to the correct places in correct amounts. Things were passing in quick seconds, and yet everything was in slow motion.

It was probably why he didn't notice the Hyuuga moving until their was a sharp, cold feeling imprinted on his hand. Naruto flinched, instinctively clenching his fist.

But when he looked down, he found a full, scratched hitai-ate, pressed into his palm by the currently-exploding Hyuuga.

For a moment, all Naruto could see was the obviously larger scratch that ran straight through the leaf insignia. The all-too-familiar line that generally meant separation from a designated village, a shinobi’s symbol of detaching himself from his previous life.

He’d seen it wrapped around countless foreheads during his time.



"A Hyuuga?" Tsunade removed her gaze from Kakashi as he reported, setting them on Naruto. "A Hyuuga," she repeated.

"Yep," he answered without hesitation. "Palest eyes I've ever seen, beside Hinata's. And she even confirmed it with her Byagukan."

The Fifth Hokage rubbed the bridge of her nose, letting out a slow breath. "Alright. Fine. Say we were being attacked from the inside. Why?"

"Um. . ." Hinata stood beside her team, watching the report play out with the rest of them. All of the genin had been surprised beyond words at the prospect of another Naruto, a Naruto from the future, but to see him stand ahead of the rest of them and have an almost. . .mature conversation with the Hokage was even further beyond. Hinata had a constant blush dusting the space from one cheek to the other, her eyes constantly wide. But Tsunade-sama's words broke her out of the stupor.

When she spoke, naturally, not many looked in her direction. She was used to it, so she made no effort to try again.

But Naruto, the taller, older one, turned. His whiskered cheeks were pulled into a smile. "Hinata-chan has something to say," he announced.

Tsunade's eyes latched onto the young Hyuuga, a scary air surrounding her. It wasn't accusing, but it was guarded and most definitely intimidated Hinata. "What?"

"I. . .I don't think my father's behind this, if that's what you're thinking." She forced herself to meet the Hokage's eyes, knowing it was more respectful and courageous then to avoid eye contact. "I saw Haruhi yesterday, and he wasn't acting strange."

Tsunade waited for her to continue, but when nothing more was said, she sighed again. "Hinata. I understand you wouldn't suspect anything, but it would be practical to act normally up until the moment he wanted to strike."

A tense silence fell over the shinobi occupying the room, and Hinata seemed to shrink in on herself a bit.

"I'm sure Hiashi-san isn't behind this!" Past Naruto suddenly exclaimed, stepping forward.

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