[ 39 ] the genjutsu's end

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previously. . .

Sakura's eyes softened. His voice was emotionless. But the wound beneath them was still fresh for him, she could tell. "You want me to find a cure," she said gently.

It was quiet for a moment. Really, really quiet.

"Please," Sasuke whispered.

He wanted to take the word back the second it left his lips. What was he doing? Begging? Sakura didn't even know what he was talking about. How could he do this to her? Put another burden on her shoulders?

But he couldn't deny how he felt. If anyone could do it. . .

"Alright," she agreed easily, in the same whisper.

It was her. 


He'd volunteered.

Kakashi didn't know why, but Sasuke had offered the use of his sharingan in dispelling Orochimaru's genjutsu. Sure, his students could be convincing, and Naruto seemed to know the intricate workings of Sasuke's mind better than Sasuke himself, but Kakashi was wary. He knew they were dealing with a different Uchiha. Things had gone wrong, even Naruto had told him that much. His intentions were entirely unclear. Giving him access to so many people of Konoha who were locked under this jutsu. . .it didn't sit right with Kakashi.

He followed Sakura's carefully controlled signature down the dim hallway. He wasn't looking for her, but the other occupant of that room who had exceptional guards surrounding his chakra flow. Sasuke wasn't talking to the kunoichi when Kakashi turned the corner. They were silent. The air felt tense to their sensei as he stepped in.


Kakashi doubted him, and it was obvious. There was no warmth in his tone. Only a faux friendliness, a careful casualness. Sasuke took no offense. It had been years since he'd cared enough to analyze the way others thought of him. The bond he'd once felt between himself and the other man had long since dwindled away.

"Kakashi," he answered, in a similar tone. Behind him, Sakura shifted uncomfortably. Her promise, unbeknownst to her, had calmed him considerably. He felt like he could take his time now, like he no longer had to run from a past he couldn't control. Things would be better here, once he left. Sasuke took comfort in that because he knew the time he and Naruto would return to had no such fate. At least not at first.

"Orochimaru tells me you'll be releasing the genjutsu," Kakashi said, his visible eye squinted. He was a perfect image of nonchalance. No one in the room was fooled.

Sasuke had no response for him. That was his plan. Kakashi was suspicious. It wasn't his problem. So he nodded and made to leave.

Kakashi caught his shoulder before he could get past him. "I could do it," he said quietly, side-eyeing him. It was a threat, more than anything. A warning. Kakashi didn't want him involved in all of this. He didn't want him involved with the Konoha of this time.

Sasuke didn't brush past him as Kakashi expected. He didn't relent, either, and let him have his way. Instead, Sasuke's gaze shifted to meet him. For the first time in a while, Kakashi felt like someone was seeing right through his mask, down to his very core. But Sasuke's eyes were obsidian. There were no tomoe spinning, no crimson kekkei genkai. All he'd done was make eye contact.

Resolve. That's what he saw. There was determination there. Kakashi snapped himself out of his momentary reverie, glancing at Sakura across the room. She'd stood up when he grabbed Sasuke's shoulder, sensing the underlying conflict. But she'd calmed, like Sasuke, and there was a similar look in her eyes, too.

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