[ 33 ] sasuke's struggle

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previously. . . 

Naruto stared at his friend. He grumbled a few choice words beneath his breath and ran a hand down his face. He made a split-second decision and flared his chakra briefly to signal Kakashi. It might be a last-minute change, but Naruto did trust Sasuke. Despite the. . .touchy situation they were in back in their time, they currently had the same goal. Sasuke wouldn't waste time, and he knew Orochimaru better than Naruto ever would.

This was just his luck.

Meanwhile, the only thing that kept Sakura from fainting, Past Naruto's jaw from unhinging, and Past Sasuke's mouth shut throughout the entire exchange was their curiosity.


Sakura wished she had time to be surprised.

Kakashi felt Naruto's signal and circled back almost immediately. Naruto had to call out to him and make it clear the newcomer was no enemy. Kakashi landed beside his team, taking in the situation.

"Sasuke," he said lowly, pulling his hitai-ate back over his eye.

Sasuke looked their sensei up and down before turning away. "Let's go."

"Whoa, slow down!" Naruto held up his hands. "This is my mission, alright? Kakashi-sensei, there's been a change of plans. Sasuke says Orochimaru won't be here right now, and that he can lead us there. Did you find anything?"

Kakashi stuck his hands in his pockets, always one to take circumstances in stride. "Nothing out of the ordinary, but the whole hideout is covered in seals. We won't know anything's there until we go inside."

"There's nothing there," Sasuke assured them indifferently. "At least, Orochimaru won't be."

Naruto sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose. "Okay, but how do you know for sure? Like, I know you're an expert on things like this, but. . .how, specifically?"

Sakura, Past Sasuke, and Past Naruto froze as Sasuke's gaze crawled over them. He seemed reluctant to answer. There was definitely something off with him, Sakura decided. She could barely keep her heart from pounding out of her chest, but this she could be sure of.

Why was he. . .hostile? It was only slightly obvious, but Sakura could always read Sasuke.

"I'm still here," Sasuke said quietly, nodding to his past self. "When I was in Konoha, Orochimaru was not at this location. That's it. Satisfied, Naruto?"

Still here?

Sakura didn't want to know what the implication behind those words were.

Naruto bit the inside of his cheek. His eyes were on the forest floor. "Okay. Okay. We're going to follow Sasuke, team. Got it?"

Past Naruto seemed to be the only one of Team 7 who was still functioning correctly. "Why do we have to follow Sasuke?"

Sakura forced herself to come back to her senses. They were on a mission, after all. She could feel things later. She glanced uneasily at Past Sasuke. He hadn't said a word, either. What was he thinking?

"I know. It sucks," Naruto agreed, mock reluctance on his face. "But it's our only choice right now. Let's head out. Kakashi-sensei?"

"Lead the way."

Past Sasuke thought he'd had trouble being around a future Naruto; someone who knew things he didn't. But a future version of himself? It was too good to be true.

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