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i said i would finish this, and i will no matter what.

hi guys! or, rather. . .anyone left? aha. it's been way, way too long. i haven't forgotten! i am constantly thinking about this fic. life got a little hectic for me, specifically with the people surrounding me, and my interests shifted to other fandoms (which are on full display on both my ao3 and my instagram; come say hi!).

but i am here to complete this fic, just like i promised. i cannot believe the amount of love it has gotten from the start, the amount of dedication you readers have poured into it. if anyone's here after so long, thank you. truly.

ahead lies a little recap! if you'd rather backread, please do! this is just a summary to refresh your memory and get you on track to understanding this chapter. feel free to skip it or ask questions or just reread whatever you want to!

enjoy <3

previously. . .

Naruto and Sasuke are fighting in the war. They're one blow away from destroying Madara when the old Uchiha triggers an unfortunate jutsu that sends Naruto to the past. Naruto is discovered by Kakashi and Jiraiya, who immediately bring him in for interrogation with the current Hokage, Tsunade. Inoichi is summoned to confirm that Naruto is, in fact, who he claims to be. Jiraiya is the first to believe him.

When a rogue shinobi attacks the village, Naruto is forced to reveal himself. To his luck, the past Sasuke happens to be there. The rest of Team 7 shows up, too, and the secret is out.

Naruto is summoned to Mount Myoboku, where Fukasaku reveals that his past is frozen and that the past he's in now is an alternate timeline. Naruto confirms this by discovering that the Third Hokage, Hiruzen, is still alive here. This gives Naruto more freedom to change things if he wishes.

Naruto recruits the younger Hyuuga Hinata to help him detect and incapacitate the zombie-nin, as he's dubbed them. During one incident, he's able to save Iruka-sensei. It turns out the zombie-ninja are being controlled by a jutsu that was cast in a specific radius (Past Shikamaru helps him pinpoint this location). Who could be behind it? Orochimaru, of course.

Naruto leads a mission team consisting of the past Team 7 and himself to confront Orochimaru. Past Naruto's secret is revealed when Kurama takes control of him, but Naruto came prepared. He talks with the past Kurama, and after a little convincing, it seems things might go differently for Naruto in this alternate timeline. However, Past Sasuke is still set on leaving the village to enact his revenge on Itachi.

The mission is stalled for an evening when they come across Sasuke from the future. He'd also been caught in Madara's jutsu and had landed at the very heart of the technique that was breeding zombie-ninja. He broke out easily enough on his own once he'd realized that his mind was under control, and now he's determined to get back.

The past Team 7 is intrigued by this new Sasuke. There's a strain in his relationship with Naruto—something a little different than their crumbling relationship in the past. Itachi's true intentions during the Uchiha massacre are revealed, and Past Sasuke is stricken. His entire life's goal is a lie, according to his future self. Sakura and Past Naruto plead with Sasuke, asking him to convince their Sasuke not to leave the village like he had.

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