[ 29 ] attack

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previously. . .

Naruto grinned. He was so ready to go on a mission with Team 7 again. All of them. Even if it wasn't his Sakura or his Sasuke, he was glad to have the ones he trusted and loved most by his side.

That being said, there was no way this mission was going to be easy. They had some part of Konoha's future in their hands, as any shinobi did when leaving for a mission. It was all part of the job.

"Let's do this."


"So. . .where are we going?"

Sakura would have bonked Past Naruto on the head if there'd been a briefing on the mission. She raised a hand as they walked through thickening Konoha forests. "I was wondering the same thing. Tsunade-sama didn't give us many details, and Kakashi-sensei wasn't around to ask."

Naruto, walking with his arms folded behind his head, hummed in thought. He'd been watching his past self carefully, mind caught up elsewhere as they went. He'd almost forgotten where they were going himself.

"Orochimaru's hideout."

The three genin wound around to face him.

"His hideout?" Sakura said. "You mean. . .the legendary Sannin that attacked the village and gave Sasuke. . ."

She didn't finish, but she didn't have to. Naruto nodded. Sasuke frowned, though he'd expected as much, and Past Naruto's thoughts were preoccupied. Kakashi strolled along, carefree, beside Naruto.

"So he's really the one who's been making the villagers go crazy?" Sakura had a hand to her chin, brows creased with concern. "Why?"

"Any guesses?" Kakashi asked.

Almost simultaneously, everyone's eyes slid to Sasuke. The Uchiha shrugged in response, letting his eyes drift to the passing trees.

"I suppose we'll find out then." Their sensei straightened up, stretching out the kinks in his neck. "Alright Team. Let's take to the trees, shall we?"

They made much better time dashing from branch to branch off the forest floor. Naruto and Kakashi moved at a naturally faster pace, and ended up in front. Sakura found herself between her two teammates--Sasuke on her left, Past Naruto to her right. She liked having them near to keep an eye on the both of them, but something was different today. Sasuke could easily jump ahead. Or fall back.

He'd been sticking by her side a lot recently.

Sakura wasn't blind. She'd noticed it. And she'd picked up on the tension between Sasuke and the Naruto from the future ever since they found the Uchiha in the damaged training field. The question was why?

Naruto told her she didn't have to worry about Sasuke anymore because he'd take care of it. It had settled her nerves at the time, but. . .

She couldn't help but be concerned now.

Sasuke's abnormal behavior was worrisome, but not unusual. What stumped Sakura the most was Past Naruto.

He'd barely said three words since they left for the mission. He hadn't picked a fight with Sasuke, and he didn't even seem excited about the B-rank mission they'd gotten. Sakura knew he'd noticed Sasuke's odd doings, and that he'd been just as curious as her, but now it seemed Past Naruto was focused on something else.

"What's with the two of you?"

She hadn't meant to say it aloud. At least, she didn't think she did. Both Naruto and Sasuke turned to face her, their pace never faltering.

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