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previously. . .

"You've dropped quite a bit on my students' shoulders today, haven't you?" Kakashi didn't sound particularly pleased with everything that had been revealed, but he figured that if anyone knew better about what was to come, it would be the ones from the future. "I don't think confronting Orochimaru is the way to go right now. Let's set up camp."

Naruto knew it was the exact opposite of what Sasuke wanted, but he nodded. "I agree. We're right behind you, Kakashi-sensei."

Past Sasuke, for one, was not right behind him. As they retreated to find a place to rest, his conscious, present mind was left behind, stranded in the trees where it was stuck in an endless cycle of rethinking everything ever.


"Are we really going to find Orochimaru?"

Sakura bit her lip. She looked at Past Naruto, mustering the strongest glare she could. "Of course we are. Stop saying things like that."

Past Naruto shrugged. They both turned to watch Past Sasuke, as they'd been doing since Kakashi-sensei suggested they stop to set up camp. The arrival of his future self was only just beginning to sink in for them, but Sasuke seemed so caught up in his head it didn't matter.

Sakura gripped the end of her dress, curling the stiff red fabric in her fingers. She glanced over her shoulder, where the rest of their party was standing in the clearing. She figured Naruto and Kakashi-sensei were both just as whiplashed from their new addition to the team, since none of them were talking to each other.

Part of her was in denial, that the man behind her was someone she was supposed to know. There were similarities, of course--Sakura could see the familiar slope of his nose if she looked, and the way he stood in the clearing against the setting sun carved that jawline of his in gold. She'd never particularly imagined what Sasuke might look like in a few years, but this would most likely be it.

But he was so bitter.

What's that mean? Inner Sakura chided. Both of them are.

Sakura looked back to her Sasuke, the one who'd gone quiet and retreated to his head. He'd been hurt for years, beyond Sakura's comprehension. She knew that. And, sure, he was angry and revenge-driven.

But he was still there.

She noticed when he smiled more than anything. It was rare--when they followed Kaka-sensei for a day hoping for a peek beneath his mask, when they chose the restaurant he liked the most for lunch, when he beat Naruto at something--but Sakura always made sure she stopped whatever it was that she was doing so she could watch, so she could capture the memory of the few seconds Past Sasuke forgot everything dark he held so close and was just a kid.

Sakura, for all of her wild fantasies and imagination, couldn't imagine even the beginning of such a smile on the new Sasuke's face. She could see a smirk, if she squinted. Or the lift of his lips in a sarcastic, crazed manner.

Just looking at him was scary. It was as if her worst fear had come true--and it was only a matter of time before their Sasuke ended up the same.

Sakura steadied her breathing and reached for Past Sasuke's hand. He didn't refuse it, even gripped back, but she knew he wasn't in the right mind.

"What should we do?"

Past Naruto was peeking over his own shoulder with skepticism. "I mean, look at them. They're acting all. . .mature. Standing around like that." He turned to meet Sakura's eyes.

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