[ 01 ] caught in the jutsu

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Madara had seen it coming.

Naruto cursed himself many times after that, looking back. But really, there was no way he could've known. It had seemed like every last jutsu and trick up the crazed Uchiha's sleeve had been used. Key word: seemed.

Man expect what they want to expect. Shinobi? They see the worst possible outcome.

It was Kakashi-sensei that had drilled that principle into Naruto and his teammates, since before they were genin. And the words burned into the back of his head hadn't held much value until now. Now, when they were too late to be of any use.

Naruto Uzumaki was an optimistic ninja. It was hard to believe, for those that were aware of his miserable and unjust past. But that didn't make it any less truthful. He smiled whenever he could, a grin so large his friends often wondered if it hurt his whiskered cheeks. His voice was always louder than it had to be, a force of confidence and determination packed behind it.

Naruto's ability to envision a convenient future was by far the most optimistic thing about him. And that fact that he truly believed in what he had to say. Aspired to be Hokage? No problem! Wanting Iruka Sensei to treat him to ramen that afternoon? Of course he would! Were they going to win the war with as few casualties as possible? It was possible, dattebayo!

So, anyone could imagine the predicament he was in now, considering his positive mindset. It was shocking enough that Naruto could proclaim such things so surely, but the fact that he went through with them? That was what drew people to him.

It was a half-and-half thing. A love-hate trait of his. What exactly did that mean?

Well, when faced with something as simple as a large bowl of ramen from Ichiraku's, it was endearing. But during a war against a supposedly dead, extremely skilled, driven, and powerful shinobi of the Uchiha clan?

Yeah, not so much.

Even if the claim was in his mind, it was silly. And Naruto had failed to see that.

This is it.

Naruto's clone disappeared in a puff of smoke after having helped form a glowing, blue orb of spinning chakra in his original's hand.

His blood was pumping fast. His heart was thumping against his chest so hard, he thought Sasuke (who was to his right) might be able to hear it. The adrenaline rush was just starting, even though Naruto was telling himself that this battle, this war, would be over very soon.

“This is it, Sasuke! Give it all you've got!”

Sasuke glanced his way. Naruto could've imagined it, but he thought he saw the smallest, most nostalgic smile tug at the corners of his friend's mouth. All too soon, Sasuke's unique eyes were latched on to their target once more, and his palm began sparkling with lightening.

Madara Uchiha was just in front of them, watching stone-faced as this all happened within half a second. They were coming at him too fast to dodge efficiently, and his chakra was almost depleted, ruling out the possibility of a counter attack. At least, an attack he was familiar with.

The situation left him with one option. A jutsu he'd discovered when going through some ancient scrolls years ago. He had no idea if it would work properly, or even if it was finished.

But he had the hand signs memorized, and he knew the consequences. Madara wasn't necessarily desperate; after all, he had died before, but this particular jutsu could prove helpful if he wanted to finish things now.

He would be suspended in his current position for longer than he cared to think about. Not only that, but the technique would use up the last of his reserves for the time being. At this point, though, he didn't really have a choice.

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