[ 11 ] round of questions

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"Does the name Hyuuga Haruhi mean something to you?"

"It does."

"Are you aware that he was involved in an attempt to harm innocent bystanders in the south marketplace recently?"

"I am."

"Why?" Tsunade leaned forward, her gaze hardened. "Why would he do such a thing?"

"I have nothing to say to that. I will confirm that Haruhi has been missing since not long after your inauguration ceremony, and we've had no contact with him since."

"What made you feel it was a good idea to keep this from your Hokage?"

Hyuuga Hiashi remained expressionless. He sat before Tsunade in her office, flanked by two Anbu. Despite the interrogating atmosphere, he resembled a stone in the face of the questions. "I had no obligation to bring the situation to the public, and I had no intention to share it until my clan uncovered more on the issue."

Tsunade relaxed in her seat, nibbling on a nail. She saw the reasoning behind the clan head's answers. The Hyuuga were among the most prestigious clans in the Leaf Village, and if Hiashi had announced that one of their own was missing and they were unable to take care of the situation on their own, it would cause an uproar. If the Hyuuga couldn't, who could? Did they have a rogue-nin on their hands? It was too big a chance to take as clan head, and Tsunade wouldn't have expected him to share a thing until later on.

Still, it would've been nice to know sooner.

"I understand." She sighed, tapping a finger on the papers scattered across the desk. "Has this individual shown any hostile intentions recently? Or at all?"

A hint of emotion seeped through Hiashi's guard, Tsunade interpreted it as an incredibly subtle mix of grief and disappointment. "Never. I've known Haruhi since he was young, he'd give his life for the Leaf in a second's notice if it came to it."

Tsunade glanced at Shizune beside her, and they shared a look. "Perhaps," she started slowly, "that's exactly what he did."

Hiashi shrugged impassively. "I couldn't say. Haruhi lost his life, that's for certain, but we cannot be sure for what reason."

The room lapsed into a deep silence, as if the mention of Haruhi's death demanded a moment of silence.

Tsunade's eyes bore into her fellow leader's as she leaned forward on her folded hands. "Can you confirm that Hyuuga Haruhi was an ally to the Leaf?"

Hiashi did not hesitate in his answer. He nodded curtly. "I am willing to bet my pride on it. Haruhi sacrificed himself to get the hitai-ate into our possession, there was a cause."

Tsunade nodded, dismissing the Anbu with a wave of her hand. "Alright, then. Thank you for your honesty, Hiashi. I assume you have been notified of your eldest daughter's appointment, yes?"

The Hyuuga nodded, once again emotionless. "I understand. I hope she will not disappoint the Leaf in her efforts."

"Right." Tsunade briefly wondered why he revealed more compassion for the late Haruhi than he did for his own offspring, but decided to pay it no mind. "I also assume you'll be eager to discuss things with our latest arrival. . .Uzumaki Naruto?"

Hiashi nodded. "I request he attend the funeral. I would like to speak to the shinobi who was present when Haruhi fell."

The Hokage nodded, straightening a few papers into stacks in front of her. "Understood. I'm sure he'll want to be there, either way." She watched as Hiashi bowed respectfully and turned to go. "And Hiashi? We will get to the bottom of this. We'll know Haruhi's intentions soon enough."

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