[ 28 ] night time

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previously. . .

Tsunade watched him go, arms crossed over her chest. She sighed, turned to Shikamaru, and shook her head.

"Has he always been that way?"

"I think so," Shikamaru said slowly. "Naruto is Naruto."

Tsunade shook her head again. "You're dismissed, Shikamaru."


Past Naruto was beginning to dread the nighttime.

When he was younger, it was his favorite part of living. A time he could stop, get a breather, and view the world for what it was without the constant hatred. The village was asleep then and it always seemed like the world was his. Like his dreams could come true. At night time, there was no competition. No one looked at him as if he didn't belong. Naruto could train or run or sleep or eat all of his ramen if he wanted to. It was just him and the stars.

Then, he didn't have knowledge of the beast within him.

And, truly, Past Naruto hadn't had a problem with it until recently. The Nine-Tailed Fox left him alone in those quiet moments. There was no reason for him to whisper in his mind, to plague his dreams.

But it was different now.

He would drift into that space between deep sleep and awakeness, almost allowing himself to think he'd be free of that voice. But then he heard it.

Something is going to happen.

Past Naruto rolled over.

I can help you.

It was no use. He was awake now.

Listen to me, human. . .

"Shut up," Naruto muttered. Then, louder, "Shut up."

It was hissed just above a whisper. He wanted nothing more than to get a good night of sleep, but he didn't plan to wake up his future self in the process.

Past Naruto hadn't said much more than 'shut up' to the voice. But he was growing sick of feeling like he might be taken over or something by this monster. He had places to be! A life to live! He couldn't deal with this any longer.

I have a mission tomorrow, he thought as hard as he could. Would the fox be able to hear it?

Naruto rolled onto his back and stared at the ceiling for a moment. Then he concentrated, blinked, and found himself staring into a looming darkness barred by a gate bigger than the one in Konoha.

He couldn't see the Tailed Beast, but he knew it was there. Only feet away. His back went stiff as a chill ran up his spine. I want to leave. . .

Then leave.

Naruto jerked. He watched as the shadows broke as a large figure shifted, and then he saw it. The snout of the Nine-Tailed Beast penetrated the darkness.

You may 'leave' if that satisfies your cowardly needs. . .but know that this is your mindscape. I am not the one holding you here. You can't escape your own head.

Naruto swallowed. He inched a step back, hoping the beast wouldn't take notice. His words were scary--they made more sense to Naruto than they should.

I'm only talking to you to tell you to shut up, alright? Past Naruto scowled. I want to sleep. I have a mission tomorrow. But I can't rest if you're constantly saying creepy things, y'know. Pipe down, will ya?

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