Chapter 23: Run Boy Run

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Tomorrow is another dayAnd you won't have to hide awayYou'll be a man, boy!But for now it's time to run, it's time to run!

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Tomorrow is another day
And you won't have to hide away
You'll be a man, boy!
But for now it's time to run, it's time to run!

Hours passed and it was dark out.

We were still in uncle Gabriel's room and the ghost soldiers were still out there, waiting for us to come out. We should've been kicked out by now, but uncle Gabriel talked to Crescent about letting us stay a bit longer or so.

I looked at the clock and it was already 11pm. 13 miss calls from dad and 20 miss calls from mom in my phone and I ignore them all.

Caden dragged his hand down his face "If we go out there, we die. If we stay in here any longer, we'll get kicked out. Great, I'm gonna die either way." He looked at uncle Gabriel "Is there a way you could tell my parents that I'm a ghost and I'll haunt them for life?" I rolled my eyes and asked something rational "How does the control work, uncle Gabriel? Maybe we can control them to move out of the way." He shook his head "No! You will not control the ghosts at all, Sage."

"Okay, you control them."

He raised his voice "NO! NOT YOU, NOT ME, NOT EVEN CADEN!" Caden asked "But how are we suppose to get out?!" I asked, "What about the back door?" Uncle Gabriel shook his head "Ghosts are dead people, not idiots. Whoever is controlling them can sense your next move. Because the person who can put an army of ghosts in front of the home can also start a war between the dead and the living." I asked again "So what do we do? If that person can control them, so could we, right?" He nodded his head "We could but-"

I got angry "So, what are you waiting for, uncle Gabriel?!" He raised his voice louder "I AM TRYING TO SAVE YOUR SOULS!" We looked at him, taken back at his sudden burst. He calmed himself down and tried to explain to us "Controlling ghosts isn't easy. To control them, you lose a part of yourself. When you start controlling them, a hole appears in your soul. A black hole. Nothing can fix that hole, nothing! Not love, happiness, sex, death, nothing. It's a part of you that turns rotten, depressed, bad. The hole will stay there even in the afterlife." He looked at us both with panic in his grey eyes "You both need to promise me that you won't even think of controlling anyone. You won't let your souls get tainted because of that." Caden and I looked at each other and Caden nodded "We promise." He let out an air of relief and said "There's another way to get out of here but it won't be easy and I don't know if it will work either. Not with that many ghosts outside."

"What is it?"

He went to his closet and took out a small pepper bottle. Caden smiled "Wait! Are you saying ghosts are allergic to pepper? Okay, this is hilarious." Uncle Gabriel shook his head "No, this is iron sand. If you throw this at them, you get enough time to run and save yourselves." Before I could grab it from him, he pulled it and said "I know you're a smart kid. I know it won't be long until you figure out how to capture them under your control. But you need to give me your word, Sage. No matter whatever situation you're under, you won't use control on them even if you know how." He waited. He waited for me to give him my word.

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