The Island

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As Kat, Timmy, Tommy and I all got off, we stepped off onto a large island.

"Woah! This is so cool!"

Katrina said, smelling all of the flowers and touching all of the leaves.

"Before you can fully enjoy the island, we have to do a few things first. Let's go get your tent! Follow us!"

Timmy said, as he and his brother slowly waddled towards a green tent, not far from the airport.

We followed just as they asked, and couldn't help but admire the world around us.

"Come on in!"

Timmy and Tommy held the doors to the tent open, and let us in.

It wasn't very big, and there were a few things lying about.

"Uncle! Our new guests are here!"

A slightly larger racoon raised his head from a book he was reading. His eyes lit up and said,

"Ah! Yes, yes! Our new guests!"

He stood up and put the book away.

"Welcome to the island! My name is Tom Nook! I am the overseer for this trip of yours! Now, let me get straight to the point, you need your tents. Let me get them for you!"

He waddled to the closest box to him, and grabbed 2 tents.

"One for you! And one for you!"

He handed me a tent and another to Katrina.

"Thank you, Mr. Nook!"

Kat said, politely.

"You are quite welcome! Go put them up and report outside when you are done!"

I smiled and waved. He did the same.

When we were outside, we took a gander at the trees and grass for a nice spot to place our tents.

"Aren't you glad I bought you these tickets? This is so amazing! Just away from all of the problems at home, and into nature!"

Katrina said, hugging a tree.

"Haha! Yeah! This is so cool!"

There was a spot in between the trees that was big enough for one tent.

"You can have it, Kat, I'll find one closer to Mr. Nook and the others. Who knows? They may need us in an emergency"

She nodded and ran off to pitch her tent.

I went back  the way I came and found a spot on the other side of the green tent, close to some trees and a river.

Once I was done, I met up at the green tent with Kat, awaiting Mr. Nook's next instructions.

Timmy and Tommy walked out of the green tent with a Nook Inc. pennant in their hands.

"Ah! I see you two have found perfect spots for your tents, yes, yes?"

I nodded and Kat said,

"Mine is next to a river!"

"Hey! So is mine!"

I said, surprised.

We fist bumped, and Tom chuckled.

"I see that you two are very good friends, hm?"

"Yep. The best of friends"

Kat said.

"Great! Well, the next step is to gather fruit for our campfire. They should be---"

"Oh. You mean these?"

Kat interrupted Mr. Nook, and took five peaches (yes my islands native fruit is peaches) out of her bag and handed them to Nook.

He looked up at her and said,

"Yes! Very efficient of you! I didn't even have to finish asking!"

"Well, they fell on me when I bumped into a tree and they looked good so I decided to grab some more! I decided to keep them just in case we needed them!"

I clapped.

"Nice job, dude!"

Mr. Nook puts the peaches in his pockets and says,

"I'll go make us some smoothies! You guys can sit around the campfire, and I'll be back in a few minutes!"

Kat and I sat at the log benches while Timmy and Tommy were snickering and whispering.

"Kids, am I right?"

Kat said, leaning over to me.

I laughed.

"Yep. Boys will be boys"

A few minutes later, Mr. Nook came out with a tray of peach smoothies. He went around and gave them all out, taking one for himself.

"I would like to make a toast to this new island!"

Mr. Nook said, raising his cup to the air.

"To the island!"

Everyone repeated, and started to drink. 

Our campfire lasted long into the night, and we talked and laughed, and at one point, Kat even ended up choking on her own saliva.

Once the fire was out, we said our goodnights and went to our tents.

I set up my cot, lantern, and for some reason, I had a blue and green colored Nintendo Switch in my pockets. Interesting.

I emptied my pockets and got into the cot.

Goodnight, new island.


Tom Nook x Reader - AC:NH FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now