The New Residents

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I opened the door to see Tom and the Nooklings.

"Ah! Y/n! So glad to find you here, yes, yes! I knew you would be here, considering you read my note. There are a few new residents with their bags in the plaza if you would like to meet them, hm?"

I nodded and closed the door.

"Katrina! The new residents are already here! Want to go meet them?"

I said, super excited.

She smiled and nodded.

She pulled off her blanket and changed into a short dress with a pair of white leggings and strappy heels.

"You look amazing, Kat! Let's go meet our new neighbors!"

We walked outside and made our way to the plaza.

Once we got there, we saw three figures near Resident Services.

"Now, I want you three to meet our new Resident Representative, Y/n!"

Tom said, pointing at me.

"Wait! When did I become the Resident Rep?"

Tom snickered.

"You've been the Resident Representative ever since the campfire. But, you don't really know that because you fell asleep after it."

I blushed in embarrassment.

"Oh. Haha. Sorry"

One of the new residents, who was a yellow octopus with a blob of ice cream on his head.

At least that's what it looked like. It made me crave sweets.

Who wore a blue outfit with red tentacles sticking out of it.

"Hi! I'm Zucker! Nice to meet you, Y/n!"

He stuck his tentacle out to shake, and I took it.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Zucker!"

He smiled and said,

"This seems like a wonderful island! I hope we can be the bestest of friends, bloop!"

I smiled and said,

"Yeah! Welcome to the island!"

He walked into Resident Services and waved goodbye.

I waved back.

"Kat! Isn't he adorable!?"

She nodded.

"Yeah! He's so cute!"

We stopping talking about Zucker when we heard yelling coming from the Resident Services tent, not only a second after Zucker walked in.

"You don't do anything right!!"

I heard when I walked into the tent. There was a small squirrel fighting with a brown deer.

"W-what do you mean? I m-made you breakfast this morning, just the w-way you asked!"

The brown deer said, tears falling from her eyes.

"No! You didn't! You undercooked the eggs, you burned the toast, and you didn't even give me the right amount of bacon!! You are a horrible babysitter!"

(Yes, Marshal has a babysitter because you know him. He's a precious baby uwu)

Zucker stood there not knowing what to do, while Tom was just sitting around, not doing anything about the situation. It made me realize that he didn't do anything because he wanted me to settle it. 

I can't blame him. This squirrel sounds like an angry Karen.

"Hey, can I ask what's happening here?"

I said, really confused.

The squirrel looked at me and said,

"No! It's none of your business!"

The brown deer mouthed the words,

"Help me"

I spoke up.

"Hey I don't care if it's just your business or not, but based on what I heard of the situation, she tried really hard to make you breakfast and you are just going to dismiss her efforts? What is wrong with you!?"

The brown deer walked over to me and said,

"Thank you, ma'am. That was very kind of you"

I smiled. 

"Of course! I'm always happy to help!"

The small squirrel said,

"Hey! What is your problem?!"

I laughed.

"My problem. . .is you, buddy! YOU are the problem!"

I walked out with the brown deer as Timmy and Tommy greeted me outside. The small squirrel yelled, "Hey!!" and stormed outside to follow us.

It left Zucker and Tom left in the tent.

Tom started to laugh and Zucker nervously joined in.

"She is such a good problem solver isn't she?"

Tom said to Zucker.

Zucker smiled.

"Yeah! But I'm just a little intimidated by her."

"How come?"

"Shes very assertive and firm in her words. I feel like she would be scary if she yelled at me for the wrong reason."

Tom looked at him confused.

"Well, she's not always like that. She's kind, sweet, generous, and brave! She's. . ."

Zuckers POV:

As Tom went on describing Y/n, It slowly calmed me down to hear such nice things about her.

Then, I realized.

He's not saying these things to calm my rational fear, he's saying these because he  has a crush on Y/n!!

Nobody would describe someone by the cute clothes they wear or the hairstyles they put their hair in if they didn't have a set of feelings for them.

". . .and her voice of so melodic and angelic. It brings warmth to my heart."

Tom then gasped and stopped.


I looked at him in surprise and said nervously,

"Yeah. You did."

He blushed and said,

"I-i don't have f-feelings for her! I just really l-like her style! I swear!"

Tom tried so hard to defend himself, but it's so obvious.

He was squirming around in a blushing mess.

"Well, I'm going to go set up my tent now. Thank you, Mr. Nook."

He stopped and said,

"You're welcome, Zucker. Sorry about that"

I nervously laughed.

"It's okay, Mr. Nook"

Tom's Pov:

When did I start to like Y/n? Was it when she showed care to me when I saved her from the evil version on Katrina? Was it when she layed down with me to comfort me when I was hurt?

Either way, I have feelings for Y/n, but I don't know how she will react. I don't even think she feels the same way, but I can only hold in these feelings for so long. . .

Tom Nook x Reader - AC:NH FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now