The Good, The Bad, and The Tanuki

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I woke up the next morning feeling sick.

"Oh god"

I held my stomach in pain.

I looked around and they had transferred me into an actual house instead of a tent.

I saw a trashcan in the corner and I ran to it in desperation, throwing up a pink and red shard of glass.

"What the hell is that?"

I picked it up and washed it off, the blood coming off of it to show a bright pink shard.

It must've cut my insides while I was sleeping. It was probably my evil version doing this to me. I know how much she hates me and my animal friends. She wants me dead so she can get back at them for some reason.

"Okay. Very funny. Come on out. . ."

My evil version appears.

"HAHAHA! The look on your face is priceless!!"

I look at her in disgust, all while staying calm.

"Why do you want me dead?"

She grinned.

"I don't want you dead! What makes you think that? If you were dead, then there would be no point in trying to ruin your life! You would be dead! There would be no life to ruin!"

I take the shard of pink glass and say,

"Why a pink shard of glass?"

She pulled out a book.

"Because I found it in this boring book and I thought you could have something to eat while you slept"

I grabbed the book from her and said,


I flipped through the pages and saw that there were many magic spells that could ruin ones life if used incorrectly.

"Where did you find this book?"

She shrugged.

"It appeared in your mind one day! I didn't know what to do with it, but I don't like reading, so I'm sure there's nothing of interest in there."

She didn't read the book?! This book could be the end of me!

I closed the book and said,

"Yeah. Your right. This book is pretty boring"

I tossed it on my bed and said,

"Hey, I know were enemies and all, but I have extra brownies from yesterday. Do you wanna just talk over some brownies?"

She looked at me angrily, but thought about her answer.

"I might be evil, but I am YOU so, brownies sound really good."


"And that's when the duck crashed into the lake!"

My evil version and I laughed over the silliest things.

We finished off the brownies and shared a couple drinks.

"You know what, Y/n? You aren't so bad! Maybe messing with you wasn't such a good idea!"

I laughed.

"Don't sweat it, Evil Me! It's alright"

Evil Me chuckled and said,

"Hey, call me E/V/N! (Evil Version Name)"

I smiled.

"Alright. E/V/N. Nice. I like it! It suits you!"

 A knock at the door was heard. 

I yelled,

"Come on in!"

It was Tom.

He froze in his tracks when he saw E/V/N.

"Ahhh!! What is she doing here?!"

E/V/N walked over to him and said,

"Even though I haven't grown on you freaks, I'll tolerate you for the time being"

I mouthed the words,

"She's not evil anymore"

to Tom.

He read them and said,

"Ok! Well, I'm glad you had a change of mind, yes, yes!"

He clapped his paws together and came inside.

After a few years of conversing and hanging out in the island, Tom and I had grown even closer with one another. 

Blathers had come to the island to build his museum, and Mabel and Sable had come to build their clothing shop here.

Isabelle had come after the shop was built and the Resident Services tent had upgraded.

The Nooklings had even planned a wedding for us in the museum, even though neither had proposed, but we felt the same way about each other.

"Do you take this human to be your wedded wife?"

Tom nodded.

"I do"

Orville was the one who was marrying us today.

"Do you take this tanuki to be your wedded husband?"

I nod.

"I do"

Timmy was a flower boy and Tommy was the ring bearer.

After the wedding, we had celebrated with a party and music.

"Oh Tom. I love you so much."

I hugged the cut little tanuki in my arms.

"I love you too, Y/n"

Tom Nook x Reader - AC:NH FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now