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Warning: Swearing, Mention of Self-harm

I stormed all the way to Katrina's house.

This can't be the same Katrina I know. The real Katrina would never threaten animals. Especially cute ones.


I yelled, banging on her front door.

She took a few minutes to answer, and I wasn't going to wait for this bitch to answer, so I kicked down the door.

I gasped in shock.

The sight before me seemed. . .impossible. Unbelievably impossible.

I saw Katrina. . .

Torturing an exact clone of herself.

How is everything going so badly?! We just got to this island and NOTHING is making any sense!

"What the hell?!"

Was all I could muster from this fucking nonsense.

There was Katrina, tied up in a chair, crying, and Katrina torturing her, smiling evilly.

"How did you get in?!"

The evil looking Katrina said, pulling away from the tied up Katrina.

"I broke down the fucking door and why are you committing self-harm!?"

The tied up Katrina tried to get out of her chair but the evil Katrina hit her in the head and knocked her out.

Right in front of Tom and the Nooklings!!

"That's IT!"

I ran towards her and grabbed the knife out of her hand and threw it to the ground. She then tackled me and pinned me to the ground, reaching over to the knife.

She had me cornered, a knife being held up above her head, ready to swing down and puncture my skull with the knife.

"You! You thought you could fight me and get away with it?! Die you puny, rotten, trashbag!!"

She lounged the knife forward to kill me and I close my eyes, waiting for pain.

A few seconds pass and I didn't feel anything.

I opened my eyes to Tom in front of me, blocking my view of Katrina.

The room went silent. I stood in shock at what had just happened.

Tom took the knife stab so I wouldn't get hurt.

I pulled Tom away from Katrina and pulled the knife out of his stomach.

"Tom! Are you alive!? Tom! Please! Answer me!"

He lay silent only the sound of his heartbeat keeping me hopeful.

I was about to give up, until I feel a squeeze on my hand.

It was. . .


He was holding my hand, trying to indicate that he was okay.

"Tom. . .I want to apologize for getting you into this mess. I'm sorry"

He opened his eyes.

"Tom! Oh thank god!"

As I was hugging Tom, I was thinking like 'Why do I care so much about him? I only met him a few days ago'.

I suddenly realize.

I have this feeling I've never felt before.

It feels amazing.

It feels warm and cozy.

Is this what love feels like?

I've never had a boyfriend or dated, because I had strict/abusive parents when I was younger.

But something is different about Mr. Nook.

He is kind, sensitive, patient, and just down right adorable!

I was snapped out of my thoughts as the two Katrina's were yelling and throwing stuff around. I made sure to hide the knife so the evil Katrina wouldn't threaten to hurt anyone using it anymore.

Tommy and Timmy were crying by the door, worried about their uncle.

I picked up Tom and quietly snuck out the door as the good Kat and the bad Kat are still fighting.

I closed the door behind me and ran to the Resident Services tent.

I set him down on Tommy's pillow.

"Tom. Are you alright?"

He looked at me and slowly nodded.

"Timmy, do you have any medicine with you?"

Timmy nodded and dug around his pockets.

He pulled out a bag of medicine and handed it to me.

"This might hurt a bit, but I promise you will get better"

I said to Tom as I opened the medicine.

As I pulled the bandage out, I noticed that I wasn't going to get to his wound with his shirt on.

Meaning I have to take it off.

I blushed at the thought and said,

"Hey Tom? To get to your wound I kinda, sorta, maybe have to. . .t-take off your shirt. . ."

He blushed and nodded in agreement, while the Nooklings were giggling.

I slowly unbuttoned his shirt, button by button, causing Tom to blush. I wrapped the bandage around his warm body, feeling slightly calmed by it. The touch of his soft and fuzzy fur, brushing past my smooth skin as I pull the bandages around his stomach made me feel relaxed.

This fueled my crush on his even more. To feel his skin on mine, made me blush even more.

Once I was done, I buttoned his shirt back up and put the bandages back in the bag. He stopped blushing and said,

"Thank you, Y/n"

I also stopped blushing, smiled, and said,

"You're welcome, Mr. Nook"

I was going to get up and leave Mr. Nook to rest, but the Nooklings pushed me down to lay next to Tom.

We both laid next to each other, our blushes came crawling back.

The twins were snickering and turned off the light in the tent. They closed Resident Services, and went to share a sleeping bag.

"I guess I'm sleeping here tonight"

I said to Tom.

"Well, it's not like you have a choice, hm? The kids closed you in"

I shrugged.

"I don't really mind. I would be glad to stay to make sure you feel better, Mr. Nook"

I said, grabbing his hand gently.

"It's Tom"

He said, looking over at me.


I said, in shock and confusion.

"You can just say Tom. There's no need to call me Mr. Nook anymore. You've earned it"

He said as he smiled.

"Thanks. Goodnight, Tom"

"Goodnight, Y/n"

Tom Nook x Reader - AC:NH FanfictionOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz