Sexual Tension

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Y/N's POV:

"Marshal, what do you say to Fauna?"

I said, arms crossed.

Marshal blushed in embarrassment and said,

"S-sorry, Fauna"

Fauna smiled and said,

"It's quite alright, dearie"

They hug it out, and I am dying on the inside.


Nothing is cuter than two adorable animals hugging each other.

"Well, we have to go set up our tents, dearie. Thank you for solving our little dilemma!"

I wave to Fauna and Marshal, and go back into Resident Services.

Tom's POV:

I sit at the workbench blushing at the thought of Y/N.

Why did I feel this way about her? I don't know how to tell her! What do I--

"Hey, Tom! How's it going?"

I jumped and said,

"Oh! H-hello, Y-y/n! I-I didn't see you there!"

Y/N's POV (again):

He's stuttering again. Somethings wrong. The last time he stuttered was when the imposter Katrina was torturing him.

I put my hand on his shoulder, causing him to tense up.

"Hey, are you okay? Nobody else is hurting you, right? You're stuttering again. You have to tell me if something is wrong. I don't want you to get hurt again, or worse, getting killed."

His eyes widen and he says,

"No! I'm fine! I-I promise! I-I'm just stuttering a lot more than usual! This usually happens when. . .uhhh I--"

He sat there, trying to find a reason for why he was acting so strangely.

I eventually gave up.

"Hey. It's okay. I'm just being a bit overprotective. If it's something personal, I won't bother you about it. Just please come see me if you need help or if you just need someone to talk to. I'll be at my tent"

He just responded with a nod.

I walked out and waved goodbye.

I really hope he's okay.

To get my mind off of Tom for a little bit, I decided to so some laundry. Now, out at a deserted island, there isn't much to do laundry, but I'll find a way.

After some time, I washed my clothes with water and a bar of soap I found in my bag. I didn't have detergent or softener, so I needed to improvise. 

I was hanging them up on a clothesline, and went to grab the wire to clip the clothes onto. I pulled it over the wood sticks to tie it off, and went to walk to the other side, when my foot got caught in the wire. I tried to get myself unstuck, but I got my hand caught in it, only to make it worse. I struggled to get out, but ended up restricting my body with the wire, and couldn't get out. I twisted and pulled, but it was too tight.

Oh no! This is the worst position to be in! This looks so sexual!! I hope nobody sees me like this!!

Tom's POV:

I paced around the tent, thinking about what I should say to Y/N.

I have a crush on you! No, that's too upfront. Y/n! I love you! Nah, too creepy. Hey, Y/n. . .I have feelings for you. . .Yeah! That's pretty good!

Feeling confident, I walked out and made my way to Y/ns tent.

As soon as I got in eyesight of her tent, my confidence immediately went away. Just seeing her would make me lose my confidence, but she seemed like she was having a problem. She looked like she was wrapped tightly in wire. She looked so. . .helpless. She looked so. . .sexual. . .

I immediately started to blush, thinking about what I wanted to do to her, tied up like that. . .

NO! You can NOT think like that!! She probably doesn't even like you back!! Just think rationally, Nook! You creepy pervert!!

I walked up to her, not thinking sexually and said,

"Y/n? Are you okay!?"

I said in a concerning voice.

She saw me and said,

"Oh god! I'm so sorry you have to see me like this! Oh please! Can you help me? I can't seem to move properly!"

My heart stops for a second.

"You want me to pull the wires off of your body?"

She nods in desperation.


I bring my paw to her leg, and grip the wire. I tug on it, but it doesn't budge. I tug again but this time a little harder. She gasps in pain and I pull back.

"I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean to hurt you, Y/n!"

She smiles and says,

"It's okay. Don't worry. I have a high pain tolerance. Tug as hard as you need"

I blush.


I grip the wire again, and unwrap it from her foot. I trace the wire to her hip and I blush even redder when I brush my paw against it. I looked up and she didn't seem to mind.

It's cuz she's not horny, Nook. Don't make this weirder than it already is.

I unwrapped the wire from her hips and waist, and got her on her feet.

"I can get out of it from here! Thanks, Mr. Nook"

She smiles and rips her arms out of the wire. As she's pulling them out, the end of the wire is stuck on her arm. She didn't see it, and when she pulled out of it, it dug through her entire arm. She screamed so loud, I'm sure everyone on the island could hear.

She falls to the ground in shock and looks at her arm. There is a thick, red line running down her upper and forearm, bleeding very quickly.

"Oh my god! I can't even. . .

can't. . .

even. . ."

Y/m cut herself short when she fainted. I assume it's because of the amount of blood she was losing.

"Y/n! Y/n!! Wake up! Please!"

I sat there, knowing she was unconscious.

I ran to Timmy and Tommy and said,

"Y/n fainted! He need to get her medicine and a nice cold bandaid! Come on!"

We brought Y/n back to the Resident Services tent and gave her medicine for her nausea of the blood and then a cold bandaid for her warm cut.

"Uncle Nook, how did this happen?"

Timmy asked, applying the bandage.

"Well, she was doing laundry and the clothing wire cut her on her way down from the clothes"

Timmy nodded and continued bandaging her arm.

I sat in fear, hoping she was alright.

(The next chapter is going to be a little bit shorter)

Tom Nook x Reader - AC:NH FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now