The Real Kat is Back

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I woke up to an empty Resident Services tent.

"Tom? Timmy? Tommy?"

I called out, wondering where everyone was.

Then I remembered what happened last night.

Katrina and an imposter. Fighting.

None of it made sense.

I got up and read a not on the flips of the tent.

'Y/n, if you are reading this, that means you probably woke up after we did. We kicked the imposter Katrina off of the island, and kept the real one safe. She is currently in her house resting. Where am I? Well, the Nooklings and I are getting some more residents to come stay at our island so something like this doesn't happen again.

Signed, Tom Nook

I grabbed the note and shoved it in my pocket.

I walked outside to a beautiful winter morning. The sun was shining, the Snowboys were smiling, and the butterflies were flapping their weak wings. A normal day like this never came unless something good happened.

I decided to walk to Katrina's house and see how she was doing.

*knock knock knock*

"Katrina!! You in there?"

Silence for a second.

"Yep! Hold on! I was just making some hot chocolate!"

Katrina's favorite.

She opens the door in a blue fuzzy blanket, Nook Inc. Slippers, and a blue knitted beanie.

"Oh Y/n! Come on in! I'm sure last night was super confusing for you!!"

She pulled me in and said,

"Come sit down! Would you like a hot chocolate?"

I kindly denied and said,

"First of all, you need to tell me how the hell there were two of you!"

I sat down at her customized wooden chair.

"So, when we had got here on the island, when we set up our tents, after the campfire, someone had gagged me and I was knocked unconscious. Soon, I was tied up and stashed into this wardrobe."

She pointed to her pink and blue wardrobe that sat in the corner of the room.

"When I came out, I saw that my kidnapper was another version of me! I tried to fight her after breaking out of the constraints, but she ended up tying me back up and started cutting me from head to toe! I was in so much pain, I couldn't even breathe normally! She was so bad, so evil, so. . .corrupt. I was honestly scared. I didn't know how it was happening, but it was."

Katrina started tearing up through her sentence, and ended up blowing up into full-on tears.

I put a hand on her shoulder to comfort her.

"It's okay. She's gone now. Tom and the Nooklings are going to get some new residents to come to the island, so we will have some new friends! You don't have to worry about her anymore, Kat. She's gone now."

We stopped talking when we heard voices and a knock at the door.

Tom Nook x Reader - AC:NH FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now