Trouble Arises Again

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Y/n's Pov:

I walked to my tent, the Nooklings following behind.

"Hey guys, want to go make those brownies now?"

They nodded.

"I have to go grab some things, you guys stay out here"

They sat down at a nearby bench and waited.

I walked inside of my tent, to find everything misplaced.

The lantern was broken, the cot was ripped and destroyed, even the Nintendo Switch I placed down was cracked. My wardrobe however, was still intact.

I fell to my knees and said,

"Why must you do this to me?! What did I do to deserve this!?"

Then, my evil version stepped out of the wardrobe.


I looked up, gasping sharply at the sudden appearance of the devil herself. I stayed silent as she continued to speak.

"You are nothing but a filthy murderer, Y/n. You always have been"

I got up and said,

"I'm not a murderer! I've never killed anyone!"

She just laughs and hands me a folder.

"Open this, and you will see"

I open the folder and see tons of pictures that show me, wielding a knife, with corpses all around.

"T-this isn't me! This is y-you! Stop lying to me!"

She takes the folder back.

"Honey, this was taken before I even existed! This was you! You can't hide from the truth"

I put my hand to my mouth.

"N-no. . .this has to be a joke. . ."

She laughs.

"Why would this be a joke? Do you not REMEMBER?"

I put my hands to my head, clutching my skull as her laugh invades my mind, unwanted visions entering my brain.

"Y/N! What are you doing!? Put that down!"



The screams were overwhelming. I couldn't take it anymore.


I ran out of the tent and into the forest.

Timmy and Tommy saw me run out of the tent, and ran after me.

"Y/n!! Please stop running!"

The twins said in unison.

I couldn't stop. I ran until I collapsed and skinned my kneecaps.

"Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow."

I whispered, clutching my knees.

"How do we always find you back here?"

Timmy says, worriedly, laying down next to me.

"Yeah. Are you alright?"

Tommy says, laying next to me on the other side.

"No. I'm not. The evil version of me keeps messing with my brain. This time, she tried to convince me I was a murderer! She showed me these pictures, but I knew they had to be fake. She put fake screams in my head and now I don't even remember who I really am"

Timmy rolled over and faced me.

"It's okay, Y/n"

I continued to cry, but I gently grabbed Timmy and Tommy and hugged them.

"She needs to be stopped"

I say, looking up at the bright sky.

"You should sleep with Uncle Nook!"

My face immediately went red.

"I should w-what?! I can't do that!"

Tommy pouted.

"But you did it last time!"

"The only reason I did that last time was because Tom was hurt! Not because I had feelings for him!"

I blushed at the thought of Tom. He was so cute, kind, and so thoughtful.

Tommy leaned in and said,

"Do you have a crush on Uncle Nook, Y/n?"

I blushed even darker.

"W-what!? N-no! I d-don't!"

"Then why is your face so red when we mention it? Do you wanna kiss him? Or maybe even--"

Timmy put a paw on Tommy's mouth before he could say anything else.

"Tommy, don't finish that sentence"

Timmy said, pulling his paw away from his brother.

I stayed there, still as a statue, thinking about what Tommy said.

I do wanna kiss him. . .but does he feel like he wants to do more than just kiss? I don't know! Just--

I was snapped out of my thoughts when Timmy and Tommy waved their paws in front of me.

"Y/n! Uncle is here to say hi!"

I look up from the ground and see Tom.

"Hey, Tom! What's up?"

I say, trying not to stutter.

He frowns and says,

"We have a problem"

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