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In all the discussions about this birthday ball for Jax, I thought I had a good vision of what I could expect. I could practically see the large ballroom with intricate paintings and stained colored glass surrounding me. I could hear the music that would play softly, possibly by a live quartet, and watch the couples waltz by on cloud nine, as they circled the dance floor gracefully.

It was all very Disney in my head and it's entirely possible that I have seen too many movies or read too many books. Though I wasn't expecting to see Belle dancing with her Beast, I also wasn't expecting the ball to be outside, especially with how cold it's been.

What was the training field just hours ago has been completely transformed into a near winter wonderland. Trees were wrapped delicately with twinkle lights, torches lit with flame evenly spaced apart with tables scattered about and in the center, a wooden dance floor perfect for dancing under the stars.

I was correct about the live music, however, it isn't a quartet but six to seven musicians setting up on a makeshift stage off to the left, near a large bonfire.

"Wow," I can't stop the awe from escaping my voice, or the childlike wonder that my eyes must be displaying as I take it all in. This is everything childhood romance fantasies are made of and then some and I can't believe that I am here to see it, be apart of it.

"I may have gone a little overboard," Harper mutters, clearly not seeing what I'm seeing, "maybe we should have not had the twinkly lights?"

"It's perfect, Harp," Emily says, throwing an arm around her in a side hug, "You did amazing,"

Harper smiles softly, looking again at the magic she created before she freezes. Her smile widens and her cheeks begin to tint pink. Emily and I follow her gaze only to find Jax.

For a moment, even I am stunned by him as he makes his way towards us. His dark suit, tailored to near perfection, would give James Bond himself a run for his money. His hair is combed neatly back and his eyes shine like a predator with his prey in his sights.

His hands reach for her before pulling her in for a kiss that had both Emily and I looking away.  A small pang of jealousy ripples through me making me wonder what it would be like to be seen that way.

To have someone who literally looks at you as if you're the sole reason they live and breathe. Would it be as amazing as Hollywood makes it out to be? Or would it be something else entirely - something indescribable? I peek out the corner of my eye, watching as Jax leans in, whispering something into Harper's ear causing her pink tinted cheeks to darken.

Even a blind man would be able to see that they are madly in love and once again I find myself questioning how I had convinced myself that Caspian was more than what he was showing me.

No. I will not think of him tonight. I chastise myself, lifting my head and clearing my throat before turning back to face the couple.

"Happy Birthday, Jax," my forced smile turns genuine as he presses another soft kiss to the side of Harper's head before turning to face me.

"Thank you," his eyes move from me to Harper to Emily, "Wow, you all look amazing. This is amazing," He tosses his hands out to show that he means the party as well, looking around at all the people who are starting to join.

"Let's go get some drinks and find a table," Emily moves to me, linking her arm in mine before winking at Harper, "Come find us after you greet your guests,"

She gently tugs on my elbow and I move with her, giving a final wave to Harper and Jax. My eyes scan the field as we move and I note there are already so many people here. I never did get around to asking how many people were invited to this ball, but I can't imagine that anyone has been left out.

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