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"You'll be staying with me," Caspian says, as we leave the meeting hall, "In the room across the hall of course," he adds. 

I'm not sure if he added that for my benefit after seeing the look on my face or not but I appreciated it. 

I just nod in response, still trying to process exactly what happened back there. All that excitement and the pack seems so happy, but it was all a little overwhelming, and I didn't understand most of it. 

I mean, I know Caspian told me he was the next in line to govern his people. And I know he had called me his Luna, but I'm still not really sure what that is or what it all entails. 

I make a mental note to ask him about this, to have him explain it all to me. We have time, I know, but he can start filling some of the blanks. 

Caspian leads me up the drive of a large colonial-style mansion larger than any other house I've seen on the way into the city. I can't help but let my jaw drop as I take in the neatly trimmed grass and rose bushes lining the wide wrap-around porch. It's so elegant and the red of the roses really pop against the white of the house. 

Large bushes, taller than even Caspian and his dad surround the rest of the property like a fence. It's beautiful and something that I never in my wildest dreams ever thought I'd be living in. 

I didn't realize I had stopped walking until Caspian tugged on my arm urging me forward again. His face is patient and a small smile is still tugging on his lips but he says nothing as he leads me the rest of the way.

"Welcome," He opens the door and ushers me into the large foyer, that if I'm honest looks like it should be for a museum instead of someone's home. 

I can't help the gasp that leaves my lips as my eyes try to take in everything. There are archways on both sides of us, one leading into what looks like a living room and the other leading to a hallway. Directly in front of us is a split staircase leading to the second floor. 

I could see the kitchen nestled just behind the staircase. I'm itching to explore, to see what all the other hallways and archways lead to and the rooms they hide. But Caspian is already leading me towards the stairs.

"Only the high-ranking members actually live in this house. So only one other family is here aside from my parents and I. However, only my family, the Alpha family, is upstairs."

His hand is on my lower back gently pushing me up the stairs at a quicker pace than my looky-loo eyes are letting me. I slip on the steps a little but quickly regain my balance, giving Caspian an embarrassed smile.

"My parents are on that end," he points to an intricate dark wood door across a small catwalk walkway, but where the other staircase leads to, "and we'll be over here." 

There are only two doors down the hallway that Caspian took us to. Another dark wood door with small details etched into the wood and a simple white door across from it. 

"That's me," he points to the dark wood door but moves to open the white one, "and this is for you, my Luna," 

The first thing I notice is the amount of natural light that filters into the room. I don't know if I gasped loudly or if it just sounded loud in my head but, at this moment, I can't bring myself to care. 

One entire side of the room is glass with nothing but trees and sky for as far as the eye can see, peaking just over the bushes that surround the house. 

The room itself is minimal at best. A full-size bed is pushed against the opposite wall with simple, fluffy white bedding and an oversized chair sits near the window.

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