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I'll be the first to admit that yesterday wasn't the best start to things nor did it go how I thought it would. True, Caspian didn't exactly give me any expectations as to how things would be here at his pack, so I can't technically say that it didn't meet my expectations. Still, I can't help but be a little let down. 

But aren't first encounters usually always a little awkward and rough? I know that first hand - I went through countless foster homes before aging out of the system. Countless new hellos and beginnings that didn't always get off on the right foot. 

So why does this one feel different in a way that I can't explain? 

After dinner last night, I wanted to talk to Caspian. I had a list of things I wanted to say and ask - even had a little script of how the conversation would go in my head. He would sit with me in the room- maybe even sit outside because it looked like a beautiful night - and he would be patient as he answered all my questions. He would give me the same smile from the diner and remind me why it was I had left with him on a whim in the first place. 

But that didn't happen. 

Instead, after the awkward dinner with his parents - where I hardly said two words after Caspian had arrived - he just walked me to my room claiming he had more business to attend to before the Luna ceremony. Before he shut the door, leaving me alone once again, I saw Dex and Travis taking their positions outside the hallway.  

He was busy. Finding the Luna was a big deal to him and his people. No matter how many times I repeat the words over in my head, I still get a little upset. Caspian brought me here and has hardly looked at me since.

Maybe I do need to be a little more understanding, but he also needs to understand that I am the odd one out. I don't want him to think I'm complaining, but I will make him listen to me this morning. He has some explaining to do and I deserve answers. 

I'm also gonna have to do something about all these white dresses. Why are there no jeans or sneakers? We're in the middle of the woods for crying out loud, shouldn't that be standard clothes for anyone?

I shower and dress quickly in the first dress I see. It will do well enough, a light summer dress. Simple but still pretty cute. I brush my hair with the brush that was in one of the drawers in the bathroom, pulling back into a high ponytail for the time being. 

Okay, I tell myself as I stare at the door in front of me, Just march across the hall and demand that he answer your questions. You've been patient. 

Just as I'm about to reach for the knob, psyched up from my little pep talk to myself, someone knocks. I jump a little not expecting that. Talk about timing. 

"Good Morning, Luna," Dex bows his head slightly, his face just as impassive as Travis' behind him, "Caspian has asked me to bring you to him in his office once you've awakened," I can't hide the surprise that crosses my face. 

Maybe I did get frustrated too soon? 

"Oh, yeah okay. Thank you," I say and Dex steps aside, making room for me to step out into the hallway. 

Travis starts walking towards the stairs and Dex stands behind me, waiting for me to follow. I practically run down the stairs trying to catch up with Travis. Either I didn't realize how far behind I got or he takes giant steps. 

The house is still as we reach the bottom level. It still feels more like a museum rather than a home but I'm excited to see more of it. Maybe more of the personal touches are just not on display in the entryways. But I'm disappointed when all that lays down the hall Travis led us down is light grey walls, and a few portraits of men lined up along the walls.

The LunaTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon